1. in the beginning

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   the guild was full of its regular shenanigans as natsu entered, back from his recent escapade of finding igneel. i sigh from beside cana, sipping on my glass as he starts another fight.

   i turn around on my barstool to watch the scuffle before me, amused. the little blonde girl seems to be overwhelmed at the situation, i stifle a laugh as i take another sip. cana sighed besides me and pulls out a card, ready to join in. i set my glass down, hoping that i won't have to join her.
suddenly, master makarov steps in. i stand next to cana as our master gives us a lecture on causing trouble and destruction around fiore. he goes on to talk about magic and fairy tail pride. i smile softly, proud of my belonging to the guild.

   as time passes on, i've gotten to know our blonde newcomer, lucy. we sit next to each other at the bar, gabbing over something or other. she turns to me with a curious look on her face.

   "hey so i've never asked, what kind of magic do you use? i figured from the plant like tattoos maybe you have something to do with plant type magic." i smile at her as i take a sip of my drink. it was kinda cute how inquisitive she was.

   "im a dragon slayer, like natsu." i pull some stray hair behind my ear.

   "woah! so you were raised by a dragon too? that's amazing! wait so when did you join fairy tail? what element do you use? is there a certain element you use or do you use fire like natsu?" she was spewing questions left and right, making me laugh nervously. i wave my hands in front of myself frantically, freaking out a little.

   "i-im an earth dragon slayer, just think of me wielding the earth version of natsu's magic." i hold my chin, trying to think of how i can explain my magic that will satisfy her, "lets see, i can basically eat rocks and straight up dirt for food. i was raised by my father, chikyu, who was a dragon. ummm, i think i joined the guild pretty soon after he disappeared." i tried my best to explain to her and answer her questions. as she was about to ask more, we both overhear romeo crying over his missing dad.

   "poor guy, macao has been gone longer that he said he would be. hope he's alright." i say, sipping on my screwdriver. i brush my hair back, thinking about what could have happened to macao. i hear natsu punch the board and groan. he's always been a bit too emotional over things like this. i turn to lucy, "natsu tends to get a little bit sensitive over these kinds of problems." i tell her as i finish my drink, ready to take my own job. my exceed, zayne, follows me quietly. she gives me a stunned look as mirajane starts to elaborate on my statement.

   looking up at the board, i rest my hand on my hip and scan for something to cover my rent. i hear steps coming towards me as gray stands next to me.

   "looking for something to do by yourself?" he asks me, and i catch what he's insinuating. zayne huffs, clearly not liking being excluding by gray. zayne was a more quiet cat, compared to happy. it was easy for him to just blend into the background.

   "depends on the job, need enough to cover my rent with some left over. how about you?" i turn to him, my arms now crossed. he shrugs and picks out a job.

   "what about this?" he hands me the advertisement about finding and capturing an exotic pet for some rich dude. i hum in approval, sounds easy enough.

   "sounds good to me, let's get going then." i smile at him and grab his arm, "and please put on some fucking clothes before we leave." i snicker as he lets out a yelp and covers his junk. his face is flushed as he throws on some pants. zayne rolls his eyes as he props himself on my shoulder.

    300k jewel and a few days later, we're walking back from our job when gray says he's gotta piss. i wave him off and wait for him to come back. instead i hear yelling from the direction gray walked off in. i race towards the yelling and see gray and natsu butting heads at each other. i groan as zayne flies behind me.

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