2. iced shell

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quite a few days pass before the missing group and our master decide to grace us with their presence. i sigh tiredly as cana takes bets on who will win, erza or natsu? before the battle can end however, erza is arrested! she'd been charged with extensive damage of multiple public properties and is taken away on the spot.

the guild is silent as we sit and wait for erzas return from her trial. everyone is completely worried, myself included. i rub lucy's back as she lays her head on the table.

"i'm sure erza will be back soon, those magic councilmen won't give her a harsh sentence. fairy tail has always caused some kind of destruction so why would they seriously punish us now? besides you guys saved the guildmasters, im sure everything will be fine." i try my best to soothe lucy's worries, but it doesn't work. natsu is yelling underneath the glass he's trapped in, wanting to be released.

thankfully, erza returns with just a slap on the wrist and a few hours of jail time. natsu had apparently sneaked out and macao had taken his place instead. the guild was back to normal as natsu tries to finish his fight with erza. suddenly a wave of sleepiness overtakes me, mystogan must be back. i can hear footsteps before passing out on the table next to lucy. a few minutes later, we all awake.

"ugh, why can't he just come in without putting us to sleep?" i whine, as i rub the sleep out of my eyes. others comment on what just happened.

"mystogan?" lucy asks, i yawn.

"for one he's a contender for fairy tail's strongest wizard." elfman explains to her.

"and for some reason, he doesn't want anyone to see him whenever he comes to take a job." gray continues.

"that's kinda creepy..." lucy comments, making me smile a bit. i've never personally met mystogan, but he was certainly strange.

"master makarov is the only person here who had ever gotten a good look at his face."

"that's not true, i've seen him before." we hear a deeper voice and look up to the second floor. laxus.

"oh look who has decided to show up for once." i comment, giving him a cold look which he grins at. i cross my arms, ready for whatever this dickhead wants to say.

"here's another contender." gray mutter besides me and lucy. i roll my eyes.

"mystogan's just a little shy. you should all respect his privacy." laxus states, resting his chin on his hand. he's wearing his distinctive headphones, i've always wondered what he'd be listening to. natsu tries to pick a fight with laxus, to which i just shake my head at.

"god natsu you are so stupid, what makes you think you can beat laxus if you can't even beat erza?" i mumble to myself. laxus goes on to say he's the strongest guild member, to which i scoff at. natsu tries to attack him, but is stopped by our master since the 2nd floor is forbidden to him. i walk back over to the bar and sit, zayne sitting next to me.

"hey mirajane, what was the master talking about earlier? why can't we go on the second floor?" lucy asks from my left. i sip on my screwdriver.

"that area is reserved for advanced members of the guild. it has more difficult jobs, called s-class. they're very dangerous jobs with higher rewards. master picks out the wizards he think can handle these jobs. that includes erza, laxus, mystogan, and y/n." mira explains.

"wait y/n you're an s-class wizard?!" lucy gawks at me, i shrug.

"i don't take those jobs very often, i like working in teams more." i say like it's just some common knowledge. i haven't been an s-class wizard for very long, so i've only taken some of those quests.

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