3. stop the ceremony!

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   all of a sudden, the temple starts to shake. i steady myself next to gray as zayne flies next to me.

   "i have a feeling that isn't natsu." gray comments.

   "the ceremony is finally reaching completion. the ice ceiling deliora has begun to melt away. there's nothing you can do. it's too late to stop me. you and your friends have failed!" lyon starts to cast another spell, i take a defensive stance.

   " do you have any idea how long i've waited for this moment, gray? since i saw you last, i've been gathering knowledge and allies, who will aid me. I was fortunate enough to discover this place., An island where you can collect the light of the moon. galuna." he casts his ice make: eagle spell. gray and i both dodge.

   "it wasn't an easy task, transporting deliora from brago. and the moon drips taken three years." gray casts ice make: shield to protect us from the attack.

   " you've been wasting your time on the stupid plan for three years?" i raise a wall of rock in front of us, helping protect gray.

   "stupid?! how dare you say that! you've spent the last 10 years and some foolish guild piddling your life away!" a giant ice eagle swoop our way, making us jump out of the way.

   "because i put my faith in what ur told me! so i went west, and eventually made it to fairy tail. and she was right, the guild was so full of powerful wizards, that i couldn't believe it. i didn't know that at the time, but i bet the old man was thinking about the moon drip when he said that. After everything ur did for us, you'd kill her without giving it a second thought you make me sick." i look at gray, saddened by his words.

   " say what you will, I don't care my entire life has led up to this moment. our master is long dead. if we want to prove that we have surpassed her, what can we do in her absence? think, gray. there's only one answer, deliora! i will surpass our master by defeating what she could not!" lyon give punch after punch, gray swerve out of the way for each one.

   " well, i admit that's a pretty ambitious plan. but i can't stop thinking that you might have missed the point somewhere along the way someone as blind as you could never be better than ur, not in 100 years. wake up, lyon!" swinging a sword of ice, he slices into a fake of lyon.

   "fooled you, didn't i? ice make: snow tiger!" lyon appears behind gray, in turn gray ice makes a prison.

   "you see this, lyon? this is what you are. a beast in a cage lashing out at the world he barely knows." my comrade stands on top of the prison he made.

" utter nonsense! i'll make quick work of that spell of yours!" the tiger bites at the enclosure, failure to release itself.

   " single-handed spell cassie is too unbalanced. your creations will let you down when you need them the most. ice cannon!" he shoots the cannon, defeating lyon.

   "ur taught us that, remember?" he says as lyon falls to the ground.

   'that was kinda hot.' i think to myself, gray hunches over and groans. i run to his aid.

   "man, i should've sealed this wound up earlier." he patches himself up with ice. i place my hand on his wound, trying to do some healing. he gives me a thankful smile. suddenly, we hear a roar.

   "that sound..i could never forget that sound." i grab grays arm throw it over my shoulder.

   "you need to conserve some energy, you're pretty wounded." i say to him, he turns to me and sighs.

   "thank you, y/n." he leans on me, knowing i can hold him up. i look at lyon laying on the ground, not knowing what we should do with him.

   we catch up to natsu, i stare at deliora. i let go of gray as he holds the melted ice in his hand, muttering a thank you to his fallen master.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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