Insomnia 💣💥

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(This story includes my headcanons)
ALSO- This is set during season 2 (In FreddyLand)
AND THIS STORY IS BOMBDUO !! (Molten and Bryan)


Today, for Bryan, was quite stressful.

First, a customer yelled at him because he wasnt doing his job properly? Then, not even an hour later, there was an extremely rude customer who practically screamed at the top of their lungs at Bryan, which made him very stressed out. Lucky, a few of the animatronics were there with them and, while they dealt with the karen, they managed to help Bryan calm down for a while. However, he did need to take a break because he was overwhelmed but he ended up okay. The day was just full of hectic moments that made him want to scream and hide. So, yeah. So fun!! (Sarcasm)

Eventually, night time rolled around and Bryan left the animatronics to go finish his work for the day and then sleep.

A few hours later (12:00AM)

Bryan had FINALLY finished his work for the day and switched his computer off. Today was exhausting for him and he felt incredibly drained. All he wanted to do in that moment was sleep. He had already gotten ready for bed 2 hours previous so he wouldnt have to get up again after finishing work, they were way too tired for that. Anyway, Bryan layed down, ontop of the covers due to it being almost 30° and he was really warm, and closed his eyes. He hoped sleeping would come easy tonight. Boy, was he wrong.

A few hours later (3:30AM)

Bryan had been tossing and turning in his bed for quite some time now. 'This is getting ridiculous', he thought to himself, opening his eyes and covering his face with both of his hands out of annoyance. Bryan exhaled through his nose out of frustration and just stared at the ceiling, after moving his hands, stuck in a trance. His thoughts were swirling around in his brain and he was fed up of it. It was exhausting, because this had been a continuous loop for months. All he wanted was ONE night of sleep, but of course he wasnt going to get it.
He begin thinking to himself; "why am I like this?", "What if the Park shuts down?", "Is everything really my fault..?"

At this point, tears had began forming and it was too late to prevent them from falling. Bryan was crying and he couldnt stop. This was pretty much a daily routine. Him trying to sleep, but he cant because of his thoughts not shutting off, which results in him overthinking literally everything and making himself cry. Its exhausting.


"Bryan..?" A voice called out. Bryan swiftly hid his face, attempting to hide the very obvious tears from whoever was at their door.

The voice belonged to Molten. Molten was very much a father figure towards Bryan. They were one of the only people Bryan trusted with his secrets, information, etc. But that didnt stop Bryan from embarrasment. He hated crying, it felt shitty to him and all he wants to do is hide away.

Molten let out a short sigh, then began making their way over to Bryan's bed. Although he will never admit it, he cares about Bryan.

Molten sat down, next to Bryan on the bed. All you could hear was Bryan's heavy and uneven breathing (from crying) and small sniffles every so often (also from Bryan).
Molten lifted the blanket that Bryan was hiding under to see his face, and his eyes filled with pity when he saw him. It was obvious Bryan had been crying, but it doesnt mean Molten likes to see it. Nobody does, they all care for Bryan and try their best to support him and look after him. Sometimes its just hard, as Bryans a human and the others are robots so they dont always know how to comfort him. But Molten does. They take their time with Bryan and try to understand him better so he knows what to do when he gets in a state.

Molten pulled the blanket away, revealing Bryan curled up into a ball. Molten couldnt help but let out a small chuckle at the sight. It wasnt judgemental, but a soft, comforting laugh that always made Bryan feel, even the tiniest bit, better.

Molten then layed down besides Bryan, since it was a double bed there was plenty of room. Molten curled around Bryan, being careful incase he didnt want to be touched, since he didnt know. Bryan then turned around, stuffing his face into Moltens chest fur which gave Molten an answer. Molten began playing with Bryan's hair as softly as he could. Bryan doesnt let many people touch his hair. Infact, Molten was the only person who could due to his trust in them.

Bryan's breathing had slowed, morphing into a steady pace, which told Molten Bryan had calmed down.

The two of them just layed there, with Bryan fidgeting every so often but Molten didnt mind. He knew Bryan needed comforting quite often and that was something he was willing in taking time doing. And he was very much aware of Bryan's insomnia, as he had told him after Linda had prescribed him with some kind of medication to help him sleep easier. It was helping, a little. I mean, he was definetly still struggling to sleep, no pills were going to help that. But its better than how he was before, since before he could barely get a blink of sleep.

A few minutes had passed and Bryan had drifted off to sleep. It always makes Molten feel better when they know they have helped someone with something. It always made them feel better about himself.

For now, Molten just decided to power off, knowing Bryan was safe and sound asleep. Hopefully tomorrow is better for him.

Word count: 998

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