Portal Powers ♣️

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(Based on Bryan's most recent video- the one above - and my theory that Gregory will be kidnapped by the Nightmares and Bryan just looses it and unleashes his full portal power potencial and k¡lls Glitchtrap 🤭)

-This is not very detailed btw

Nobody's POV:

Small drops of sweat dripped down Bryan's face, as he ran to where Glitchtrap and his henchmen were. He doesn't know his way to their lair fully, but what he does know is that he cant waste any time looking for it. Not when he knows his own son's life is in danger. If anything happened to him... Bryan just wouldnt be able to cope. He was already slightly out of breath. He was used to running around from the Twisteds in the theme park but that was long before his organs started failing. Its taking a toll on his breathing, sometimes it hurts him to breathe and he cant run for as long now.

He ran, and he ran, and he ran, despite the pain rising in his chest, he pushed on. This was for Gregory after all.

Finally, Bryan reached the lair. He ran around the corner, immediately seeing the Nightmares. But his eyes focused on the yellow trash rabbit infront of him.

"Well, well..."
Bryan could barely breathe, he was trying to catch his breath but it was too difficult.
"Look whos here to save the day."
Glitchtrap said menacingly.

"You know, Bryan..You have something very special. You have something I WANT."

Bryan began trembling. He was leaning against the wall slightly, his energy was low. Glitchtrap smiled and looked off to the side.

"Those portal powers of yours.. they really are something special. Im willing to make a trade with you."

"What kind of trade..?"
Bryan was scared, he tried not to show it. But could you blame him? This was the same person that was responsible for his death the first time. He didnt want them to be responsible for the second time too.

"Hand over your portal powers, and you can have your precious son back.."
Glitchtrap moved to the side, revealing Gregory. But, he was unconsious.

Bryan's eyes narrowed towards his son's body. He was pissed. How dare They take Gregory? He is just a little kid, he doesn't deserve this.

The words rang in Bryan's head. He cant do that. He doesn't know how anyway, and what will happen to him if he doesnt have them? But Gregory...

"Whats the matter Bryan? Cat got your tongue?~"

Bryan didnt know what to say. Nightmare was watching closely.

"I cant do that."
Bryan muttered out. This made Glitchtrap smile.

"Don't worry! Just say the word and I will gladly take them away.. after all, you want them gone dont you?"

Bryan hesitated. Should he? No, he cant. Sure, he wants them gone. But he doesn't want them to fall into the wrong hands. He doesn't want them to be taken by Glitchtrap. Who knows what they will do with them.

"My answer is no. And you need to give Gregory back right now."
Glitchtrap lifted an eyebrow, suprised by the sudden gain of confidence.

"Not until you give me your powers. Besides, a trade isnt a trade unless I get something in return.."

Bryan clenched his fists. He was getting frustrated.

"Shut up.."
Glitchtrap laughed at Bryan's response.

"Very well... Nightmare."
As soon as Glitchtrap finished speaking, Nightmare began walking closer. Bryan stepped back, what can he do?

"Get away from me."
Bryan said. His body went cold. Nightmare paused in his tracks, looking at his Master.

"Change your mind?~"
Glitchtrap gave a smirk. Bryan's entire body trembled slightly, amusing the rabbit from his reaction. It felt like a bucket of emotions was just dropped on Bryan all at once, he could feel tears prickling his eyes, but not enough to make him cry. He wasnt sad. He was angry. He was so angry he could destroy anything. He felt powerful. Bryan could feel the tingling sensation in his hands an fingertips, the same sensation he got before the incident where he went into the portal. But this was different. They felt stronger, harder to hold back.

All the sound around Bryan suddenly felt so distant. He began to breathe quicker, his heart racing. Glitchtrap had began to circle Bryan slowly, watching and anticipating his every move. They were almost inspecting his frozen form, wondering what was going through his mind. They finally stopped walking, stopping directly behind Bryan.

"Well? Whats it going to be Bryan?"
Glitchtrap asked, almost like a last chance to change his mind.

Bryan turned around, making eye contact with the rabbit. His hands were shaking, he couldn't take it anymore. His eyes screwed shut, trying to block out everything so he can get under control again. But maybe this was what he needed. Maybe this was how he needed to get control.

Bryan opened his eyes. But they were different, they held a look of anger and resentment. His hands loosened, revealing a glowing ball of purple fire. Suddenly, a big, bright purple flash filled the lair, forcing everyone to look away. When they looked back, there Bryan was, or whatever it was. It had his outfit, but it didnt look like him. His body was gone, what was left was a roaring purple flame. Suddenly, Bryan lifted one of his arms,

"I told you once. I. Said. No."
Normally, this wouldnt have frightened Glitchtrap. Barely anything does. But the way his tone sounded made him seem.. intimidating.

Before anyone had a chance to react, a ball of flames charged itself towards Glitchtap, hitting them right in the chest. Just where Bryan had been shot by them all them years ago. It felt all too familiar.

Glitchtrap was now lying on the floor, seemingly lifeless. The Nightmares didnt know what to do or what to think. Their Master was dead. And it was Bryan's doing. Nightmare began running towards the flaming man, anger lacing his voice as he yelled out. Bryan's head whipped around, and sent a wave of flames, using both of his hands now. He hovered over the ground, seemingly floating. The whole room was lit ablaze and Bryan dropped to the floor. He looked around, the Nightmares werent there. He had disintegrated them. It was like they never even existed all along. Bryan's body returned to normal, he was too exhausted to keep himself in that form.

Sounds of distressed shouting filled the distance. The animatronics must have figured out Gregory was missing. Bryan was barely hanging on to consiousness. He was standing long enough to see the animatronics rush in and stare in horror at the scene in front of them. Glamrock Freddy, Steve, Glamrock Bonnie, Adrian, Glamrock Chica, and a few others. They must have known to bring reinforcements. Bryan turned around, his eyes barely open. The animatronics' eyes landed on Bryan, before he fell to the floor.

He could hear the muffled sounds of yelling as he drifted in and out of consiousness, his eyes opening then shutting soon after. He felt himself being picked up bridal style(?), he felt hard, cold metal. Who was carrying him? His arm dropped to the side, his hands were covered in burns. His body felt numb, overworked.

Everything was moving too fast for Bryan to keep up with. Not to mention the fact he was just about awake. He felt very faint, he knew he would soon pass out cold. Atleast one thing was for sure.. The Nightmare's reign of terror was over. And as for Glitchtrap? Who knows..

Word count: 1294


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23 ⏰

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