The Pouring Rain ❤🌧

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(This story includes my headcanons)

It was quite late at night, 12:30 to be exact.

Bryan was finishing up his work, he had already been working since 7:00AM in the morning, and considering how late it was, all he wanted to do was sleep.

Today had been quite stressful for him, but it wasnt all bad. Since he is living with Vendi now he actually gets excited to go home because he can spend time with his boyfriend. Gregory had been sleeping over at Dylan's place for the past week so Bryan didnt need to worry about him right now.

Bryan was finishing up, typing up the last line on his email then he noticed something. It was raining. Absolutely chucking it down, and he HATES getting wet, so he always avoids getting wet as best as he can. And it doesnt sound like the rain is stopping anytime soon.

Bryan sighed in annoyance. 'Great', he thought to himself. This was exactly what he needed right now (sarcasm). Bryan clicked enter and his email was sent away, it was now time to go. He switched off his computer and stood up from his chair, his legs were aching from how long he had been sat down for. Bryan then grabbed his satchel and swung it over his shoulder, then left his office.

Bryan was walking through the mall, taking a look at everything as he walked past on his way out. He finally reached the exit and walked out, already getting soaked after a few seconds. He practically ran to his car, desperately trying to get out of the rain. Once he managed to unlock it and sit down on the drivers seat, he sighed. Atleast he was out if the rain, but he soon realised he was still wet and had to stay in wet clothes for nearly an hour, and he was already shivering. Bryan started the car and drove out of the car Park. 'Let's go home..' he said outloud to himself.

40 minutes later

Finally, Bryan had gotten to Vendi's mansion. He parked his car on the drive and sat for a minute before deciding he should go in. It was still pouring down with rain, but he had to go in at some point. So, he grabbed his satchel off of the back seat and switched off his car, opening the door, shutting it again, locking the car, and then walking up to the front porch.

Bryan opened the front door of the mansion, and as soon as he walked in and closed the door, Vendi was standing right infront of him. Bryan jumped from seeing Vendi, since he hadnt been expecting him to be home by now. He took note that Vendi had gotten changed so that meant he had probably been home for a while, wondering where Bryan has been.
"Why are you home so late?"
Vendi asked, walking towards Bryan.
"I-I had some last minute things I needed to do, thats all. I didnt mean for it to take so long. Sorry."
Bryan replied, looking down at the floor. Vendi sighed upon seeing this. He could already tell Bryans day had been stressful. It was obvious to him by now considering that they lived together, Vendi has seen Bryan have good and bad days so he can pretty much just tell now.
Vendi's eyes softened when he noticed Bryan shivering.
"Come on, sweetheart.."
He grabbed Bryan's hand softly, guiding him up the stars and into their shared bedroom.

Once they were both inside the room, Vendi closed the door behind them and Bryan had began putting his satchel away in his usual spot for it. When he turned around, he saw Vendi looking through his drawers.
"What are you doing?"
Bryan was now looking over Vendi's shoulder.
Vendi smiled at Bryan's curiosity, picking up a pair of black shorts and a black tshirt then turned around, passing them both to Bryan.
"Get changed, ill wash your uniform for tomorrow"
Bryan took the clothes from Vendi's hands and smiled.
"Thank you"
Vendi smiled back and walked away to go make him some food.
"Be right back~"
He said in a singing tone, as he walked out the door. As soon as he left, Bryan had walked into the bathroom that was in their bedroom and began changing.

Bryan was now wearing the clothes Vendi gave him and was no longer shivering. His hair was still damp however, and he didnt like it. So, he folded up his uniform and placed it on his desk, then went through his drawers to look for his hairdryer. Once he found it, he took it out, closed the drawer, and walked over to the plug socket. He was about to put it in, then Vendi walked in holding a bowl of plain noodles with chopticks.
"Here you go, love. I assumed you havent eaten today"
Vendi smiled, giving the noodles to Bryan.
"Thank you, honey"
Bryan smiled back, taking the noodles into his hands after putting the hairdryer down onto the bed.
"Would you like me to dry your hair for you?"
"Um, yeah, sure, just.. Be gentle please"
Vendi walked over to the bed and grabbed the hairdryer, then plugged it into the wall.
"Come here"
Vendi said, so Bryan walked towards him and sat down infront of him. They were now both sitting on the bed, Bryan infront of Vendi, still holding his noodles. Vendi turned on the hairdryer and began drying his boyfriend's hair.

20 minutes later

Vendi had finished drying Bryan's hair, which was now VERY soft and fluffy, and Bryan had finished his noodles. Vendi turned the hairdryer off, placing it on the bedside table next to the empty bowl, which once held noodles. He decided he would just put them away tomorrow, being too tired to do it at the time.
"Thank you, again"
"Of course"
Without having to exchange words, Bryan and Vendi kissed. It was a slow, passionate kiss. They were happy that the day was over, and now they could spend the night together. They both pulled away, opening their eyes and looking at eachother.
"I love you"
"I love you too"
Vendi wrapped his arms around Bryan and fell backwards with him in his arms. They both began laughing, moving around the bed. They managed to get under the covers and cuddled, not wanting the moment to end. Bryan's head was resting on Vendi's chest, and one of Vendi's hands were placed on Bryan's waist. Vendi's head was ontop of Bryan's, and Bryan's hands were curled inwards, infront of his face. And their legs were interwined. They were comfortable and warm, and they both just listened to eachothers breathing patterns, soon drifting off to sleep in the dimly lit room.

Word Count: 1139

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