Journey to the past 🧭🎢

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Suggested by scrapbaby8

Vendi was sitting at the control panel in the portal room. He had been there for quite a long time. A few hours maybe? He couldnt tell. He decided to stop soon after a couple more minutes. It seemed he wasnt getting anywhere with the portal, and he was fed up. He was fed up with the portal, and the animatronics, but mostly he was fed up with himself. He felt angry that he couldn't save Bryan or help him enough. He knew there probably wasnt much that he could have done, the portal had corrupted him. But there was always a lingering thought in the back of his mind, telling him it was all his fault. He always thinks back, to what could have been if, perhaps, he had tried harder. He just didnt realise how bad Bryan was before it was too late.

Vendi was still messing with the portal, despite him saying he would stop, it had been another 3 hours. He didnt really know what he was pressing anymore. He was too sleep deprived to notice he was falling alseep at the panel. Every so often he was nodding off, that was when he finally decided to leave. He stood up, and started to walk out but then something weird happened. The portal started.. glowing? More than usual. Vendi kind of just stared ahead, unsure of what to do about it. He was in a trance-like state for a while, then he felt something. It was like he was being pulled towards the portal, he didnt know how it was possible, but it was happening. And before he had time to react fully, due to his exhaustion, he had been pulled in.

Vendi opened his eyes to be met with swirling colours. He was seemingly flying through some sort of wormhole, he had no idea what to do. A bright light shone infront of Vendi, and he couldnt stop himself before he got thrown into it.

"What happened?"
"Who is that?"

Vendi opened his eyes, everything blurry. He could hear voices around him but he couldnt see who they belonged to. After a while, Vendi's vision fixed itself and he could see clearly, he was being surrounded by different animatronics and... BRYAN?

Vendi jumped up, shocking everyone and making them move back.
"Are you okay, sir..?"
Bryan asked. Bryan. ITS BRYAN.
"What.. happened..? And why are you.?... N-nevermind"
Vendi replied. He was in shock, that was for sure.
"Who are you?"
A black bear animatronic with a red top hat asked.
"Yeah! And what are you doing here? *gasp* DO YOU WORK FOR THE TWISTEDS?!"
The green frog one screamed. Vendi was starting to get a headache. He was tired before all this, he has never felt this tired before though. Maybe its the aftermath of him being sucked through a portal?

(Vendi's pov)

I snapped back to reality to someone waving their hands infront of me.
"Uhh.. im Dr.Vendi"
The animatronics finally had their answer.
"Hi! Hello, how are ya?"
Bryan said. He seemed alot happier in this place. He was also wearing his old outfit.. and these are the animatronics he told me about before he left. Could I be.. in the past?

Bryan offered me a hand and I took it, now standing. Im still in disbelief about how this happened. Maybe ill figure it out later, for now i need to figure out a way to get back.
"Where did you come from?"
Another animatronic started speaking to me, a mini white and purple bear asked. They look kind if like Bryan's helpy at the Pizzaplex.
"Uh, well, its going to sound strange but.. i think im from the future.. i was just here, in my world, but then i got sucked into the portal and thrown here.."
The only reactions i got were 'ohs'. They didnt sound suprised at all! Almost like stuff like this happens all the time.
"Well, we can recalibrate the portal to send you back, but it might take a while"
I nodded, this is a strange experience. I wonder if theres another me out here somewhere..
"Come on, new friend!"
The frog was jumping around, leaving with the others following aswell as me.

A few hours later

Im just sitting at a bench next to the others, we are watching funtime freddy's puppet show with.. bon-bon? I think thats its name. Its actually quite entertaining.
"Dr.Vendi, the portal is finished!"
I heard someone say behind me, I turned around to see Bryan. I smile at him, standing up and following him through the Park to the portal room.
"So... hows the future?"
I really dont know how to answer, this is more awkard than ever. If it was MY Bryan then yeah, maybe I would talk more. I would certainly be asking questions, but.. im trying not to get attatched, or emotional at the fact that hes here. Of course it isnt my boyfriend, its someone else. But he looks and sounds like him, its just weird. The rest of the walk together was silent until we got to the doors.
"Are you.. okay?"
Bryan asked.
"Yes.. sorry, this is all just very... stange to me"
He smiled at me and pushed open the doors.
We walked up to the portal, side by side.
He waved. He isnt Bryan, so why do i feel my heart breaking again? My eyes are watering now, and i think he noticed. But i went into the portal before giving him time to say anything.

I got thrown out of the portal, onto the floor. 'Ow..' i thought. I felt horrible. Tears were dripping down my face now. 'Why...?' 'WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME?!" I cant stop the sobs coming out of my mouth. This hurts. I want him back, but nothing i do will make that happen. I dont even know if he is alive! I stay down on the floor for a while before standing up. My legs are shaking and im still crying, but i need to get out of here. I don't want to spend another minute in this damn room.

Hope you liked it!
Word count: 1044

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