Chapter 1: An unexpected call

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I ran after Slade, jumping over to different boulders. I see Slade jump down to a boulder, following him, I make sure he doesn't doesn't get away. Jumping down to another one, I follow him. While on the boulder, I look for Slade, not knowing where he is. Suddenly, he appears from behind a tower rock. "Dangerous behavior, Robin. You must be very eager to see me. I'm flattered." His voice cold and menacing, sending me chills. "I'm not here to see you. I'm here to stop you." We both circle around, stepping closer to each other. "But how can you stop me. When you don't even know what I'm planning?" "Like this!" I make a kick to Slade's face missing it. I see Slade near one of the tower rocks. Trying to punch him, I miss again. But as my fist was up, Slade grabbed it and sent me flying to one of the towers. I grunt in pain, trying to up quickly. I made another punch to Slade, which resulted in me missing again for the third time and hitting a tower. As Slade moved away, he made a powerful kick on me. Landing on my feet, I fight back to him. I punch him a bunch of times, but they keep getting blocked. One of Slade's punches soon knocks me over. I grab two birdarangs for each of my hands. I try to throw them to Slade, but I soon realize he's gone. I hit them to the towers, which made them rumble down quickly. I get out of the way by running away. But suddenly, dust and debris fly around. I try to figure out where I am, but it's hard since there's so much dust and debris in the air I can't see. The debris and dust clear up a bit, making me see clearer again. I still can't see Slade, but I can hear him. Where, though? "Excellent, Robin. We appear to be evenly matched and equally ruthless." Slade says somewhere that I can't see. "Not surprising. You and I are so very much alike." The dust clears up fully, revealing him behind me. "I'm nothing like you!" I uppercut Slade hardly making him fall down. While he's on the ground, I pull him up to me aggressively. "You're a criminal, a psychopath! All you care about is destruction."And all you care about, you destroy." He looks over to the right, gesturing me to look over there so I do. I look over to see a replica of my teams faces on each of the rocks. I look back to Slade, horrified. "No! Who are you?" I reach over to his face, grabbing his mask. Throwing it behind me, I see my face as he laughs menacingly. My face, horrified.

I soon woke up in the room with all of the research about Slade, breathing heavily from that nightmare. I calm down, hearing someone coming down to the room. I see robotic feet, realizing it was Cyborg. He pops his head into the door about to speak to me. "It's him. It's Slade," He walks away from the door, heading to the operation center. I follow him to the room, seeing Slade on the screen. I look down, sighing quietly to myself, then look back up at him. "Hello Titans. I do hope I didn't wake you." Slade looks around at all of us. "What are you an insomniac? Who calls at five in the morning?" Raven bumps Beastboy's arm. "What do you want?" I say pissed off at him already. "Well, that's precisely what you've been trying to figure, isn't it? And in spite of all your efforts, you're still the dark about my intentions. Disappointing, Robin, I expected a little more from you." As he was saying that, I get chills, my eyes widen as I shout to Slade. "Like I care what you -" I get intrupped by Slade. "But since you've been unable to discover my plan, I'll just have to reveal it myself." He shows us a large machine covered up with commando robots in front of it. "I'm sure you're all familiar with the concept of a Cornoton detonator." The commando robots reveal the detonator that's shaped like an egg with glowing red like rings on the surface. "No!" Cyborg says as Starfire gasps of fear. "Uh-oh," Raven says with slight horror in her voice. "No way! What's a Cornoton detonator?" Beastboy gets confused. "It eradicates all chronotons within a localized area, utterly destroying the temporal component of the space-time continuum." Starfire explains in a complicated way for Beastboy to process. But still, Beastboy is confused. "Hmm?" He turns to Raven. "It's stops time," Raven says it more simpler and clearer for Beastboy. Beastboy cries out, shouting over it but soon stops. "If he triggers that thing downtown, it'll freeze-frame the entire city," "Tell me where!" I shout to Slade angrily. "You're a clever boy, Robin. I'm sure you and your little friends can figure it out." He shows a transmitter. "However,  since I control the detonation, time is not on your side." The screen turns to static, then to black. I slam my fist down in frustration, just wanting to find Slade and stopping him. "Fan out! Find it! Shut it down!" I shout at the team, storming over to the door furiously. But Beastboy and Cyborg block my way of going anywhere. "Hey, uhh, maybe you should stay here and coordinate the search." A drop of sweat drops down from Beastboys face. "What?" I get confused, angrily. "Man, when it comes to Slade, you've got issues. Might be better for the team if you sit this one out, " Cyborg suggests, but being me, I'm not sitting this out. I have to find Slade. I'm the only one who can stop him. I continue to move towards the door. "No. There's too much at stake for me to -" I stop at the sound Statfire calling for my name. "Robin... we have not forgotten the last time you faced -" Starfire pauses, getting slightly emotional. "I made a mistake, Starfire. It won't happen again. I can handle it, I promise." I walk out closer to the door. But then Raven speaks to me. "Would you at least like to know where to look?" Raven asks, pulling up an image on the screen. All of us walk over to Raven, seeing an image of the detonator with the commando robots. "Slade gave us more information than he realized." Raven zooms in on the image showing blurry grindlines from the detonator. "Here, in this reflection," She zooms in closer to the image. "Ohh, squiggly lines. Way informative, " Beastboy says, rolling his eyes in sarcastic ways. As more keystrokes are heard, it's clearer and can be read backward. When Raven turned it backward, it said: PEIR 41. "Peir forty-one!" Starfires exclaims excitedly. I step closer, the screen looking at the text. "The docks!" I shout as we all head out the tower to the docks. We're looking for Slade, and I know we are. We have to, I have to.

Please tell me, guys, if you liked this. This was my first fanfic I've ever made, so I would appreciate it if you guys would support this fanfic. And please tell me if I mess anything up. I would also appreciate it if you would vote or comment. It would make me feel me more better. Anyways, thank you guys for reading this. It took a long time to write, and I'll probably write the second chapter tomorrow, depending on if I'm busy with school. But uh thanks for reading this fanfic. Love you guys <33 :3

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