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After Ash's surgery and she was recovered, also after her training with Kal Skirata and Walon Vau, they returned to their home on Vindemai in the Rishi Maze and continued hers and her brothers training. Also looking after them with the help of 99 and his friend Wilmu Pyffa. The pair of them were very busy, spending time in a local farm and collecting many good fruits and vegetables. Boss had gotten some much needed TLC and rest, he was out on the town today, spending some time away from the kids was beneficial for him and his well being as he finally got a hair cut and had the day to himself. Fi, unfortunately was working on something important and he asked Sev if he wanted to look after them while he was finishing up something very important to him.

Sev accepted and watched Ash and Adam, they were both very eager to spend time with him.

Fixer was tinkering with some of his equipment since he was in combat his H.U.D in his helmet had sustained some damage as he got shot in the face but thankfully his Katarn class Commando armor was sturdy enough to withstand those kinds of attacks and be perfectly fine, besides a minor concussion that is. His H.U.D wasn't displaying properly when he wore it. And it was starting to get on his nerves when the circuit board wasn't configuring properly, he also hasn't eaten lunch yet so he was more irritable than normal. Out of frustration, he slammed his fist on the table when he accidentally broke a delicate piece of the circuitry. He was pissed. He wanted to scream and barely contained his fury while aggressively trying to fix the circuit board he just broke. Breaking it more.

Ash and Adam were in their room, playing on the floor after spending most of the morning after breakfast training. Adam was playing with his little trucks that were little replicas of the vehicles used in the Grand Army of the Republic. He rolled a mini juggernaut on the floor, making the noises if a motor with his mouth while crawling around with it. These little toys were made by none other than Fi, he had an artistic talent that he shared with those who were closest to him. Currently Fi was tinkering away at his work station outside, he was forging something in a blast furnace, the heat could be felt from inside near the kitchen. Ash meanwhile was building elaborate structures with blocks. Her little castle was phenomenal, in her eyes at least. While it was a sound and logical structure it was topsy turvy, quite random, and somehow still balanced. Sev watched them play, both in amazement and in concern at the sight of Ash's architectural ingenuity or dumb luck. He was at the ready to catch the structure of blocks that was barely staying upright to keep it from hitting Ashy in the face.

Thankfully that didn't happen, she ended up knocking the whole thing over herself and began rebuilding it. Sev laughed softly at watching the 7 year old girl do that, he was entertained by watching the two of them being twins, but polar opposites. He was tired though and eventually fell asleep where he was sitting in the rocking chair, unbothered by Ash's random talking and yelling and Adam doing the same, talking to his sister. Sev could sleep through anything.

   And where he was asleep he didn't notice Adam crawl out of the nursery and into Fixers room, still playing with his toy and rolling it on the floor. Fixer was so focused on what he was doing that he didn't even notice the 4 year old boy crawl in, he was aggravated when he accidentally broke a very delicate piece of the circuit board. He was about to fly into a table flipping rage and flip the table as his blood began to boil. He clenched his fists and started scowling at his helmet. He wanted to scream so loud, but he felt something small attach itself to his leg, squeezing it gently under the table. He looked down to see his little brother hugging his leg.

Confused, Fixer asked "Adam? What are you doing in here buddy?" He got the 4 year old off the floor and stood him up on his legs. Adam sensed his brothers anguish, and wanted to try to help him calm down. Adam hugged Fixer, and kindly asked him "Would you want to play with me for a little while? You seem really angry." Fixer was unaccustomed to being caring towards people, especially children. And he was much less accustomed to being cared for. He had only known the life of being a soldier, someone for everyone to rely on, and being a cold blooded killer. He wasn't used to rely on someone else.

After a few moments of stunned silence, he made his decision and gently hugged his little brother back. "Yes, I'd like to." Fixer answered, putting away his helmet and sitting on the floor as Adam ran off to collect more of his toys for him to share with Fixer. Fixer was excited and happy to take a break, but he was also a bit nervous about this whole ordeal, which he didn't have as much experience in as his other brothers did. It's been a difficult adjustment for him, and it was in the beginning. However, he truly wanted to change and take care of his younger siblings, even if he had no idea how to. He did his best to look after his younger brother and enjoyed his time with him, he taught him many useful things after their game. How to repair things, strategies, protocols, plans. He didn't feel angry about his broken helmet anymore and he spent the day looking after his younger brother and spending time with him, and he eventually ate dinner with everyone else and made sure that Adam was eating enough.

Adam was dozing off while eating his food but he ate it all, and eventually dozed off at the table. Fixer stopped eating for the moment and out him in his bed, tucking him in and making sure that he was comfortable before he closed his door and resumed eating with everyone else. Sev did the same thing and out Ash to sleep as she fell asleep shortly after eating.

The Commandos spent some time together as well, talking and hanging out before they themselves went to sleep after awhile too, resting for the next day.


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