Sunsets and Waves

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Shortly after everyone reunited, they decided to take some downtime and relax at the base for a few days, celebrating their victory and prepared something truly special for Ash and Adam.

It was a tradition in Mando'a culture to give the foundlings a wright of passage to prove themselves worthy in combat, and then celebrate their growth and coming of age. It was called a Cet'era, and the celebration was much like a birthday party.

Clones didn't have a Cet'era exactly but they had something similar offered to them when they graduated from being cadets into troopers, it involved the batch of troopers getting together and exchanging their medals and names, sometimes giving each other names, choosing their own names. After their first battle they survive, they give each other their medals back, sometimes burying the ones that they found of their brothers who have fallen in a fight. Afterwards they had a choice to change their appearances. Some cut their hair in a different way, tattooed their bodies, and painted their armor however they saw fit. Afterwards they all got together again, and talked, ate, watched movies on the holonet, and spend time together. They did it as a way to celebrate their survival and their time together.
After all, they didn't know how much time that they had in between battles, or if they'd be alive afterwards. Even though they could go through hell and back and die horrible deaths, they at least wanted to have some good memories to die with.

Not everyone did this as some clones simply took everything so seriously that they made their service to the Republic the only thing that mattered. And victory mattered more than survival and happiness.

That was not the case for the commandos, who spent their last couple of years looking after this young girl and young man, who meant a lot to all of them. Ever since they were brought into their care as babies, they wanted to make every single lasting moment they could, a happy one for them.

Ash was currently starting a fire in a stone structure outside of their base with the help of Fi and Darman, who instructed her on how to melt the meteorite that she picked up from Zack's ship, so they could forge it into a fine blade for her. Karl Skirata taught them and he was there for the event, he wanted to visit the little clone since it'd been so long and he grew fond of her. As did Walon Vau, who doted on her lovingly from afar, he spoke words of high praise of her and her brother. Which got much of the Cuy'Val Dar's attention. So far, they kept the entire Second Special Operations Brigade Clone Spartan program under wraps. But the Kaminoans have given them much more leeway in terms of letting certain people know in certain people not know. So, many more Mandalorians knew about them and wanted to see if this little girl who got herself a fond place in Walon Vau's heart was not a lie and not made up.

Unfortunately due to events in the galaxy Walon Vau wasn't there yet, he was off on an adventure of his own, on a jungle planet far away in the outer rim, collecting a bounty. He would be there as soon as he could. In that moment Boss remembered watching Fi and Darman showing Ash how to forge a sword, they learned from their father Kal Skirata, so it only seemed fitting for Ash to learn as well as he sat in the sun, feeling the rays warm his heart and soul.
Kal, Zack, Boss, 99, and the rest of the clones were hanging out outside with the three others who were making Ash a sword. While Adam read a book quietly and Fixer was tinkering with some damaged equipment.

It was a nice change of pace from having life, threatening experiences every day. Boss and Kal were sitting there and watching Darman and Fi guide her hands and knocking the summer sun colored, scorching hot metal into shape with a hammer on an anvil, and hearing the continuing clang of metal against metal by professionals. While Darman helped Ash forge the hand guard and handle, and Fi was making the blade. But not without letting Ash get a few swings in as well, after all she was quite a strong girl and she enjoyed it, but her direction was way off. And with that Fi took back over with hammertime.

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