Acceptance and Adaptability

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Throughout the next couple of  years of the clone wars Ash was trained by several Mandolorians, close friends of Jango and professionals in all things combat. As the years flew by, the adventures she went on with Caitlin and her parents grew more exciting, and treacherous. Currently they were rougjing it in the middle of a desert, a campfire illuminating their small group as everyone but Zack Cysas slept. They were on Tatooine, a desert planet with nothing to offer, except yet another survival trading regimen.

He kept watch while Phoebe was sleeping, they routinely changed whoever was on watch every 6 hours while the other slept. It was a cold and lonely night, only kept warm by their small fire and close proximity.

The next day however, was unforgiving and scorching hot under the sun's cruel gaze. Eventually woke up Ash who was sleeping, after she refused the orders of the Mando'a to wake up. So Caitlin took charge. "Ashy wake up!" Caitlin yelled into her friends face as she shook Ash's arm. And Ash did wake up to shove her away, angstily awakening. "Good, now that you've awakened go get breakfast for yourself." Phoebe commanded. Ash, being a young and spiteful pre-teen stormed off into the dunes, searching for anything that could be hunted.
And she soon discovered some thing that could certainly be haunted, but it also wanted to hunt her.

Long and scaly Voax Snake sprung from the sand and ensnared Ash in its tight grip in an attempt to crush her. Ash wiggled an arm free and followed her training that was protocol for Boss to teach her, getting her knife from her boot and stabbing it. But that didn't work, the scales of the snake were too hard to get the blade through and it broke on the impact. She thought that all of it was over as she began to pass out. All hope truly seemed lost.

"Phoebe!! Be careful!!" A distant scream could be heard, and footsteps on the sand and faint blaster fire were heard by Ash as well, but those sounds became quieter and quieter..

She grew close friends with the daughter of two of her Cuy'val Dar trainers. Even if it was forbidden, Ash grew to be best friends with a Mando'a girl named Caitlin Cysas. Caitlin had to come into hiding with her parents, they couldn't just leave her on her own in the galaxy so they brought her with them. They had trained other clone commandos before they took on the task of training Ash, and they were more than up for the challenge.

Ash and Caitlin played almost every day, they trained together and pranked Caitlin's parents, Phoebe and Zack together. Like sisters they were practically inseparable. "We're going to be best friends forever aren't we Ashy?" A 10 year old Caitlin asked the white haired and blue eyed clone. "Of course we are Cat!!" Ash picked up her best friend into a hug and put her back down on the floor. They shared a room, Caitlin's parents decided it was best for the both of them to, since it was a small ship and they were both girls. Even if it was forbidden, Phoebe and Zack encouraged their friendship. Believing that it would improve Ash's mentality and being able to form a close bond with someone that she can trust. That memory of talking to Caitlin rung through her mind as the snake suddenly dropped her on the ground as she completely fell unconscious.

Hours later she then awoke in the Mandolorian's ship, Phoebe and Caitlin have been tending to her. Caitlin immediately hugged her best friend, sighing with relief. "I thought you were gone for good Ash.." Caitlin murmured. Ash patted her back and squeezed her friend, "I'm sorry for worrying you." Ash apologized, feeling guilty for being a burden. "Nonsense, these things happen, and they're out of our control sweetheart, we just have to be more careful." Phoebe reassured her, patting Ash's head gently. "That's not the only thing we need to do." Zack spat, he was leaning against the wall of the room, callous and tough as usual. Phoebe turned to him, preparing a counter-argument but she understood what he meant, and she nodded her head in agreement. "Alright Ash, come on. We've got a lot of work ahead of us, so, let's get to it." He stood upright and out of the ship's medical bay and began to take off. Ash got up and followed after him.

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