CHAPTER TWO: The Apartment

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     - "Poob? Poob wake up!"


- "Please poob... I'm so sorry... Just wake up already!"

Poob would sit up, covered in sweat.

- "ugh my head..."

- "y-your alive!"

Pest would quickly wrap his arms around poob before blushing and quickly going back to his normal attitude. Poob would blush from the sudden hug.

"I mean... I knew you would wake up I wasn't worried at all...." Pest would say, a slight blush creeping onto his face as he turns away from poob.

Poob would rub his eyes and look around his surroundings.

-" where are we?"

-" at my apartment. I brought you back here after I..."

He would pause. A look of regret appearing on his face.

-" stabbed you..."

-" oh..."

Poob then remembers everything that happened and he looks down to see the damage.

- "why am I bandaged up? Did you do this?"

Pest would nod.

-" why didn't you just take me to a doctor or something?"

-" well if I did I would have to explain what happened."

-" oh..."

Poob would touch the bandaged area and sigh. It still hurt to touch but not as much as before.

-" hey poob?"

-" yes?"

Pest would sigh.

-" I'm... Really sorry for what I did back there. I don't know what came over me..."

-"you really crossed the line pest, you hurt me..."

-" I know and I'm sorry."

Pest would grab poobs hands and look him in the eye.

-" poob, anything I said during my outburst I take back. I didn't mean any of it, and I'll never do anything like that again."

Pest looked dead serious, this was the most emotional poob had seen him.

-" but that's what you always say after you have an outburst!"

-" I know, I know, but I promise this won't happen again..."

-" And I'll never hurt you again like today."

Tears would start to form in pests eyes.

-" P-please just forgive m-"

Poob would then pull pest into a tight hug, bringing his head close to his chest.

-" H- I- wha?.."

Pest red would turn bright red. He would try his best to hide his blush.

-" W-what are you doing?!"

Poob would put a finger up to pests face and shush him.

-" it's okay pest... I forgive you."

" W-wait you do?" Pest would say, still not believing what he's hearing, his mandibles moving like crazy.

poob x pest fanfic or something idk (Partybeetle)Where stories live. Discover now