CHAPTER SIX: partybeetle smut!!!!

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(I couldn't think of a good name for this chapter so here you go)

(This also takes place right after the last chapter)

Pest was sitting in a booth inside of Crem's icecream shop. Pest had already finished his cone long before poob. Meanwhile, poob was slowly licking his ice cream cone savoring every lick, not a care in his head.

-"can you maybe pick up the pace?"

-"okay I'll try!"

Pest would glance around the place out of boredom and his eyes would land on poobs thigh. He'd quickly look away but every now and then his eyes would somehow end up on poobs thigh. He bite his lip to prevent him from doing anything.

Poob would eventually finish his ice cream after what felt like ages and take the final bite of the cone.

-"Okie I'm done!"


The two would get up from the booth and get into pests car and begin driving home. As they drove, Poob would look outside the window admiring the passing scenery, while Pest would place his hand onto Poobs thigh, slightly squeezing it.

Poob would squeak and look down to see his hand on his leg.

-"pest wut are you doing?"

Pests would quickly remove his hand and place it back on the steering wheel as he turned slightly red.

-"nothing I just... Misplaced my hand"


Innocent Poob would continue looking outside, paying no attention to what had just happened.

Poob looked back down at his thigh where Pest had squeezed. As he felt his hand go onto his thigh he felt something inside of him. He couldn't quite describe it, it was like A feeling he had never felt before. It definitely wasn't love since he always felt that around Pest.

What Poob did know is that it made him feel things down there.

And he wanted more of it.


The two would eventually reach their apartment and head inside, poob excusing him self a moment.

He'd enter the bathroom and look at himself in the mirror, that weird feeling still in the pit of his stomach.

-"wuts wrong with me?"

As he was trying to figure out what was wrong pest would enter the bathroom.

-"hey, u could've at least knocked!"

-"sorry it's just you were taking a while in here and I just wanted to check in on you"

-"Okie dokie!"

Poob would suddenly begin to feel that feeling again as the two stood there and just looked at each other.

-"so umm what do u wanna d-

Poob would get rudely interrupted by pest pressing himself up again poob and beginning to kiss him, his tounge exploring every single crevice and corner of his mouth.

Pest would then place his hands on poobs waist and push him against the wall, pinning him to it.

-"gahh! Hey!"

Poob would begin to get that feeling again as he started to move his hands around his waist, making him instantly shut his mouth and get hard.

Pest would begin to undo poobs belt. Poobs eyes would get wide as he stared right into pests, pest continuing to unbuckle his belt while keeping eye contact.

poob x pest fanfic or something idk (Partybeetle)Where stories live. Discover now