CHAPTER FIVE: Double Date!!!

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    The weeks would pass like a train in a subway.  Pest and poob would begin to get a lot closer, maybe a lil too close. Now gone was the angry standoffish thief and now there was a  friendly bug boyfriend. The other NPCs would begin to take notice of pests sudden change in behavior and wonder what happened.

Lampert would step in from the IKEA and see poob leaning onto pest while smiling, being lovey dovey. Lampert would flash the too a look of disgust as he stood at the opposite side of them.

-"don't you know how many germs you too are passing to each other?"

-"wel I washed my hands before dis so it's okay!"

-"your just jealous this isn't you and infected"

-"pest! Thas not nice!"


Pest would look and lampert and roll his eyes.

-"it's so obvious your gay for him dude"

Lamperts light would begin to glow (that's his way of blushing)

-"I'm not! were just friends!"

-"pest that's enough!"


Poob would continue to nuzzle Pests arm while Lampert would continue to try and hide his face while it glowed. Lampert and infected were pretty close, even before he caught that disease and Lampert had feelings ever since they first met. although the disease made him forget alot of his past, he still somehow remembers Lampert and how they used to hang out.

Pest would then get a sinister grin and walk over to the buttons of the elevator, Poob still latched onto his arm. He'd pull out a ticket and insert it into one of the slots.

Lampert would notice this and turn around, confused.

-"what are you doing this time?"

Pests grin would grow even wider as lampert turned around.

-"you'll see"

Pest would then return to his corner of the elevator while chuckling to himself.

-God what is that guy's deal?

a few seconds would pass before the elevator would stop and the doors would open. Lampert would look outside and gasp.

It was Infected's apartment.

Lanpert would begin to panic and pace back and forth.

-shit shit shit shit shit....

Pest would begin to laugh maniacally and lampert would turn around.


-"what? This is your "Friends" apartment right?"

-"burn in hell"

Lampert would start praying that infected wasn't home and unpleasant would enter instead. He would then hear footsteps coming down the hall.

-please don't be home infected please...

Around the corner would pop out everyones favorite skater boy; infected!

-"h3ll0!!!" Infected would say as he stepped in, standing right next to the now bright lampert.

-"haiii infected!!!"

-"h1 p00b, h1 p3st, h1 l@mpy!"

-"oh h-hey..."

Lampert could see pest grinning. He so badly wanted to punch him but he knew pest would beat him without hesitation.

-"s0000, h0w y0u b33n l@mpy?"

poob x pest fanfic or something idk (Partybeetle)Where stories live. Discover now