CHAPTER THREE: Back In The Regretavator

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Poobs POV:

     I woke up in my bed, incredibly well rested. Strangely, I didn't hear my alarm. I checked my phone charging by a bedside table.

11:00 am.

Oh no I was running late, my train to the elevator leaves at 11:30!

I quickly flew out of bed and started to get ready for today. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to make any breakfast :(.

I got changed, brushed my teeth, and washed my face. I looked in the mirror and saw the bandages on my stomach again. I frowned as I realized I would have to explain to the others what happened and what pest did to me... But that didn't matter right now, I had to catch my train!

I quickly put on my favorite party horn and party hat and flew out the door, and sprinting to the train station.

By the time I entered the station I was panting and covered in sweat. I checked my phone for the time.


Thank god I had made it in time. As I climbed down the steps into the subway I saw a train pull up to the station. thank god I wasn't late...

I boarded the train and sat down, still panting and trying to catch my breath from running all the way here. Oh well, at least I got some exercise.

Meanwhile in the elevator...

Pest was in the elevator alng with another NPC, split and a couple of players.

Split was cracking her usual jokes but pest was acting... Different. Instead of stealing coins from players, he was pacing back and forth, seeming stressed about something.

Split would notice this and question him about it.

"Everything okay pest? Looks like somethings BUGging you." Split says, giggling at her joke.

"Why do you ask?" Pest says in his usual standoffish tone. "I assure you everything is fine.".

"I don't know, your acting different..." Split says, trying to get to the bottom of this odd behavior.

"Why don't you just go back to telling your corny jokes and mind your own business?" Pest says, raising his voice.

-"Alright then...."

-"Sorry, didn't mean to snap like that, I'm just worried about someone..."

-"Lemme guess it's poob isn't it?"


-"don't lie to me pest!"

-"okay fine i am worried about poob, so what?"

-"well, what about him?"

"We had an *ahem*... An altercation the other day..." Pest says, seeming hesitant to tell split what happened.

-"did you guys have a fight or something?"

-"well i-


I stabbed him."

Splits jaw would drop and she would look at pest with wide eyes.

-" Y-YOU WHAT?!?!"

"okay I know that sounds bad but listen!" Pest says, trying to explain himself without freaking split out even more.


-"yes he's fine, just a little gash that's all..."


poob x pest fanfic or something idk (Partybeetle)Where stories live. Discover now