I'm a... Slytherin?

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Draco sat in his usual seat in potions, right in between Pansy and Blaise. He was half-listening to Pansy's gossip about one of the first years. He couldn't care less about some stupid first year.

"-ay! Dray! Draco!! DRACONIUS LUCIUS MALFOY, ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME?!" Pansy shouted, catching Draco's attention.

He stayed quiet, knowing all too well that it wouldn't help if he talked. She glared at him, and he glared right back. Some Ravenclaws started whispering and Draco glared at them.

They stopped whispering and got back to whatever they were doing. Snape walked in, cloak billowing behind him dramatically.

"Pack your things, we are going to the Great Hall." He said, not caring to explain. He turned around and walked back out the door.

A mixture of both Ravenclaws and Slytherins started asking why they had to go, and wouldn't stop until they got an answer.

"If you must know, due to certain...events that occurred this past year, Dumbledore has decided that you children must be resorted into your proper houses."

There was a groan that echoed through the dungeon. Sure, it was fun getting sorted for the first time, but it lost its appeal after 7 years. Everyone was hoping to just get put in the same houses, and knew that there was no way they would change.

Draco himself was also groaning, but in a very elegant way. It was so elegant that Pansy and Blaise started snickering.

"What? Why are you laughing?"

"Nothing Dray." Pansy said with a smirk. She loved gaslighting him, and anyone else for that matter. "Let's just go to the Great Hall already and get this over with. What a nightmare."

The Silver Trio walked to the Great Hall and sat at the Slytherin table. They waited patiently for the sorting to begin, although they were dreading it.

Draco glanced across the hall and noticed that the weasel was sitting very far from the golden boy. He wondered why that might be, although, he didn't really care. He saw Granger sitting next to Potter though. Maybe Weasley was just miffed at Potter. He turned back to table after a questioning glance from Blaise.

Dumbledore walked in, and everyone was quiet. He took the sorting hat and placed it on the school. Most of the kids were hit with major Deja Vu.

"May I have everyone's attention please? As you may have heard, I have decided that you all will be re-sorted to your houses due to the war this year. Now, when Professor McGonagall calls your name, please come up and put the sorting hat on your head and wait for it to call out your house. After that, we eat! Professor, if you don't mind."

He waved at McGonagall to get started. She took out a list that was 8 times longer than it usually was.

"I will start with first years and make my way up to eighth years. Understand? Alley, Taniya." The sorting hat shouted soon after, *RAVENCLAW* "Ashton, Joseph." *SLYTHERIN*

She continued through the list until she got to eighth years.

"Okay, now it's the eighth years. Abbott, Hannah." *HUFFLEPUFF* "Alice, Runcorn." *GRYFFINDOR*

It went on until she got to Harry's name.

"Potter, Harry."  As he was walking up, McGonagall smiled at him. "Nice to see you again Mr. Potter. Still stealing many glances from the younger children I see."

"Not something I asked for." He murmured back. She chuckled as he sat on the stool and waited to be sorted in Gryffindor.

"I do certainly hope that you will be placed in my house again Mr. Potter. Although, no one has changed houses, so I doubt you will." She smiled.

"Thanks Minnie." Harry smiled back. He had taken to calling her that ever since the war.

The sorting hat was put onto his head, and he heard that familiar whisper that he heard only twice before.

*Ahh... We meet yet again Mr. Potter. You still have all that ambition as I have mentioned at our previous meetings...you would do well in Slytherin... You are also very smart when you want to be... so Ravenclaw would be good as well...But Gryffindor suits you just as well...You definitely have a kind heart, so maybe Hufflepuff....but alas, you're mind still says Gryffindor. But your heart...that's a different story. But I will let you figure that out on your own. What will it be Mr. Potter?*

Well...I do want to be Gryffindor, but lately the only people that will talk to me are Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnegan, and Hermione Granger. I don't know why. I don't think I said anything to offend anyone or anything. I think the best choice is to just go with your gut-er, your...hat instinct? Sorry, I don't know the anatomy of a hat. I'd still like to be Gryffindor though.

*Hehe, of course my dear boy. I shall pick for you. Better be... SLYTHERIN!*

The whole hall was silent. Harry was confused. Hadn't he just said, well, thought, that he wanted to be in Gryffindor?

"I'm a... Slytherin?"



Hello! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! I worked hard on it (somewhat) it started off as one idea, but then changed to another. I hope that you enjoy the rest of the story!

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