Revenge and a Feeling

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It all happened so fast that no one, not even the teachers that were totally there could stop it.

Suddenly, Draco and Blaise were together with Pansy and all three of them shot hexes at both Ginny and Ron.

They all looked angry, but Draco looked the angriest. He looked about ready to abandon his wand and punch Ronald right in the face.

His hands were slowly balling into fists and just as slowly stretching back. Pansy grabbed his shoulder, making sure nothing happened that was too serious.

Harry just stood there. Then, slowly, a huge smile appeared on his face. He started giggling, and then it turned into full out laughter.

Hermione was surprised that the silver trio were actually helping Harry, but she assumed that it was because they were the ones that he chose to become friends with first.

She chuckled quietly, but stopped when Pansy glanced at her. Pansy half smiles at her, and Hermione gave her a small smile back.

Pansy walked over to Hermione and whispered, "Why don't you join our friend group too? Obviously Weasel isn't doing any good for you, and I can tell that you really love Harry. In a friendly way of course!" She hastily added, seeing the sort of disgusted look Hermione gave her.

Hermione nodded, and tapped both Draco and Blaise on the shoulders.

"Hey, um...I realize that Ronald definitely is not a good friend to have, and since you guys are already friends with Harry, Pansy and I were thinking to make a truce and all become friends. Plus, I still want to hang out with Harry, and if I want to see him, I'd have to see you three, so there's no point in still being enemies when one of my- I mean, my only bestfriend is friends with my enemies, y'know?"

She said this all one breath and Harry wasn't surprised. She always did this when she wanted to make a point but was afraid to get rejected. She also had closed her eyes, and this was also not surprising.

He smiled at her and took her hand.

"Thanks for protecting me Mione. It means a lot to me."

Back to five minutes ago, right after Pansy let go of Draco

Draco rushed towards the already hexed Ron and Ginny. He glared at them before punching both in the face.

They were taken aback and Ginny's nose started bleeding. She started bawling her eyes out, and even after just getting punched in the face, Ron was telling her to "Bloody hell Ginny, shut up! It's embarrassing when you cry. Everyone's gonna think I'm a crybaby too."

Draco snickered, and Ron glared at him. Draco threatened to punch him again and Ron backed up.

Draco then went over towards Harry, Hermione, Pansy, and Blaise. He saw that Harry was hugging Hermione. He felt a twinge of a feeling he didn't recognize, but realized he got every time he was around Harry. Or was it Hermione? He didn't know.


Sorry for taking so long guys, there was a lot going on. I had some soccer and you probably read the other a/n so you already know.

Also she claims to be seeing the poor kid. And now I discovered another song...called 1-800-247-8255

(For those who don't know, that was the suicide prevention line before it was changed to 988)

On that happy note, here is your quote. The first is for girls or anyone else. The second is for boys or anyone else. The third is for everyone but it's the closest I could find for non-binary people in the same song.

"There's a little girl who needs a song telling her she's beautiful when the world tells her she's wrong."

"There's a little boy who needs a safe place to cry when the whole world says to suck it up, just cuz he's a guy."

"There's a heart that needs some hope and finds it in the words that you almost never wrote."

Song: Ain't about You - Huntergirl

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