Hatred to Immediate Friendship

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"W-why would you make me a Slytherin? T-they hate me!" Harry stammered. "I would rather be anything else but Slytherin!" He whispered furiously.

Draco couldn't help it. He hated to think that the Golden Boy thought that all Slytherins hated him. Take him, for example. He was finally free from his father, as he is in jail. It wasn't actually Voldemort making his life hard, it was his father. All because of this boy. Maybe he would soon become the Silver boy, or, even better in Draco's opinion, the Silver Prince, just like him.

"You got a problem being in Slytherin, scar head?" Draco shouted out. When Harry looked over, Draco grinned. "I thought Gryffindors were supposed to be brave?" The silver trio snickered.

"Yeah Potter, why so afraid? We don't bite~" Pansy sneered.

Blaise just laughed, and whispered "I'm not even surprised by the fact that your gaslighting him, but Drake only gaslights when he actually is interested in the answer. Which means he doesn't gaslight anyone.Why is he wasting his breath on Potter?"

"Shush Blaise. Why don't you ask him yourself?"

"No thanks."

Draco continued to grin and gaslight Harry. Harry got angry and started shouting back.

"It's not like you're cunning enough to even sneak around the castle and not get caught! You always get caught! I thought that you were ambitious enough to not let anyone get in your way Malfoy?"

Draco scowled and chuckled a bit and Harry smirked back. Draco turned to his friends and whispered, "I think it would be best to become at least frenemies instead of just enemies if he's going to be in Slytherin from now on."

Pansy and Blaise smirked at each other. They simply nodded at Draco's request. Harry hurried to the Slytherin table, but didn't know where to sit.

"Over here Potter! You can sit with us." Pansy drawled. Even though she said it sarcastically, the two boys could tell there was a bit of excitement in her voice. She had always wanted to talk to him, without being rude or mischievous, since he saved Draco once or twice.

Harry just walked over and whispered something in her ear, which made her turn bright red and laugh. "Ooh, you're definitely going to sit with us from now on." She giggled and patted the seat in between her and Draco.

Harry simply smirked and sat down. Draco leans closer to Harry, wondering what he told Pansy. He was surprised that she liked him so easily after years of hating him. Even if she was angry with him, it took him at least two days to get her to talk to him again.

"What'd you say Potter? How did you make Pans like you so easily?" Draco asked, genuinely curious about the answer.

"It's a secret. I thought she might be that kind of gal, so I went for it. Didn't think she'd like it that much though." Harry whispered back and smiled. Pansy started hugging Harry and fed him some of her food.

"You look as if you haven't eaten a thing, poor boy. Harry, where are you going to sleep tonight? If you want to, you can sleep with me." She smirked. He laughed and declined. "I'm sure I'll get a bed or something, or I might even have to sleep on the couch. It doesn't matter anyway."

Draco and Blaise stared at them. Pansy never called anyone by their first name until she trusted them. Even for Pansy to start trusting them, it took about 3 years of friendship to make her call them by their first name.

"Parkinson-" "Oh please, call me Pansy or Pans." She winked. She fed him some more food, which was now pasta. He didn't argue and just ate what he was given. He started to eat from his own plate too. He then thought of something. He looked at Draco and offered him some food.

"Hey, Malfoy-" "If you're going to call Pans Pansy, then just call me Draco as well. I assume the same goes to Blaise?" He said questioningly, raising his eyebrows. Blaise shrugged one shoulder. "Yeah, whatever."

Harry smiled, and then took Draco's fork and put some of the pasta on it. "Here." He offered, putting the fork near Draco's mouth. Draco was hesitant at first, but ate the food that Harry gave him.

Harry beamed and started doing it more. Draco's heart started beating faster, but he ignored the reason why. He didn't want to know why.



Second chapter done! I did this one at my brother's baseball practice. Hopefully I can update every 2-3 days, but that's not a promise. I also know you might be curious as to what Harry told Pansy, and you can comment your guesses here or on that paragraph. Sorry for any grammar mistakes, I will try to go over it and correct any mistakes, but bare with me.

Have a lovely day/night/evening/morning!

I'll put a quote on all of these. I skipped the first chapter, so I'll start now.

"Trust yourself, you better love yourself, cause 'till you do you ain't no good for anybody else. And honey, boys are dumb, but you're gonna find your one. Love him hard bless your heart when you need someone to listen. And always leave the light on in the kitchen."

-Ashley McBryde

Yes it's a song. Don't make fun of me.

Byeeeeee! (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥

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