I Thought We Were Friends

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After dinner was over, Harry asked Draco politely if he could go see Hermione for a bit.

"You don't need to ask Potter-"

"What's my name?" Harry interrupted.

"Potte-er, Harry?" The name felt weird on his tongue, but figured he would get used to it.

"Thanks Draco! I'll be right back!" Harry smiled and gave Draco a quick hug, which Draco returned reluctantly.

As Harry was walking away, Draco lost his composure. His face was bright red and so were his ears. He put his face in his hands, hoping no one would notice. Blaise saw this and started laughing hysterically. Draco glared at him and flipped him off. 

Balsie raised his hands, as if he was getting arrested, and pretended to hand cuff himself. Draco smirked and pointed his wand at him. Blaise pleaded teasingly, and Draco shot him with a tickling jinx.

Blaise shrieked and fell on the floor laughing. Draco chuckled a bit as well. He then lifted the jinx and Blaise lay on the floor, panting loudly.

"What are you, a dog?" Pansy snickered. Blaise glared at her and then laughed.

...𝕄𝕖𝕒𝕟𝕨𝕙𝕚𝕝𝕖 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 ℍ𝕒𝕣𝕣𝕪...

Harry was looking for Hermione and found her talking with Ron. He snuck up behind her and jumped on her back.



She let him stay on her back though, and continued talking to Ron like nothing happened. Ron, however, started backing up, giving Harry a weird and disgusted look.

"Ron? Where are you going? Aren't you going to say hi to Harry?"

Ron scowled at Hermione. He found Ginny and told her what was happening. Ginny frowned and stared at Harry.

Harry had never found out why Ron had started ignoring him. He had stayed at the Burrow during this past summer and hung out with Ron for only half of it. After half the summer, Ron started hiding from Harry and ignoring him.

Ginny had also started ignoring him. He wasn't surprised by that though. He knew the reason she was ignoring him was because he had rejected her during the summer.

To be fair, she had tried to force herself on him. (a/n: yes people, boys can get raped as well)

He avoided her, and she avoided him, so it was a win-win for Harry. Percy was gone doing work for the Ministry of Magic, and Bill was still working with the dragons in Romania.

Fred (a/n: you're welcome), George, Molly and Arthur were still talking to him however. And Hermione of course.

They always greeted him with more affection, and hugged him more than they used to. Hermione had taken to giving him piggy back rides, and in turn Harry gave her piggy back rides.

"Bloody hell, Mione, why are you still hanging out with this faggot? He's disgusting and belongs in hell. He's the devil's child." Ron said, bringing Harry back to the present.

Ron stuck his tongue out at Harry. Ginny also started calling Harry a faggot. Harry started feeling upset.

"Ronald Weasley, you are such a dick! Everyone can love whoever they want! It's not a crime."

It was everything Harry wanted to say to Ron. Except, he wasn't the one that said it. He looked at Hermione, and she shook her head.

Harry looked around and noticed Pansy right behind him, flipping Ron off. He was filled with gratitude. Ron looked surprised to see Pansy protecting and defending Harry.

"Shut up Parkinson." Ron snarled. "You barely even know Potter. He's a faggot. He likes men."

It happened so fast, not even the teachers that were totally there could stop it.


I went roller blading at school today and it was really fun!

One of my guy besties is tryna hook me up with some other guys cuz I'm still a single pringle

I'm at Olive Garden rn and my cousins are being pretty crazy. My one cousin is shouting milk and screaming 😭

See you later guys.

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