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~"That Girl"~

I stare hard at the approaching figures, and feel frozen for a few heart beats. Memories of other incidents come back to me. Paralyze me.

Finally, I remember how to move. "Come on!" I holler to the two.

I don't truly understand why I'm helping them — They're criminals. However, Mus sees good in them. In this moment, I'll help them.

"Uh—" She stares hard at the person in front of her. "Do you not understand that there is a..." she paused, as if searching for the word. "...herd of those guys coming after us?"

The male criminal nodded, "Myeong, if you fight them, then you'll probably end up dead..." His voice trailed off for a moment, then he continued, "so I don't think it's best to fight them. Plus, killing isn't the best choice. You're not a murderer, right Myeong?"

"I- what?" The female criminal apparently named Myeong fumbled out. "Fine. Fine. Fine."

Mus held the door open for them to go inside. He has always been a little gentleman. Sure, they aren't related, but I always saw him as a little brother.

The remains of the home they had been squatting in for the past year, have not been much. The house is more of a skeleton than anything. However, it provides shade in the day, and warmth in the night, and there is a good spot to garden for flowers and food.

I had mainly been taught domestic duties, like taking care of the home, so I have done my best to make sure the house is neat. Girls in my community were never really taught subjects, like writing, or reading, but I'd say I'm self taught.

I know the numbers: 2, 8, 10, 16, and 18. I believe I'm in between 16 and 18, while Mus is between 10 and 16. I also know two letters: "C" and "H". "H" is the first letter of my name, while "C" is the first letter of my late sister. That's it, but I'm still proud!

"Let's run in... that direction!" The one named Myeong prompted, pointing East. Though, by the look in her eyes, it was easy to tell that she was clueless about her and the other criminal's whereabouts.

"The boy offered for us to stay in his house— Do you think that's a better solution then just running away in some random direction?" Ken'ichi questioned.

"Yeah, let's just go inside," Mus mumbled, and lightly tugs on Myeong's sleeve.

The guards were coming closer; their silhouettes easily noticeable. She nods, and points to inside with her thumb. These folks were going to get themselves killed just standing there!

"Fine, you win Ken'ichi." Myeong heaved a sigh. She mumbled some words under her breath, before going inside with the criminal named Ken'ichi.

'Okay,' She replays the name sin her head, 'remember: Myeong and Ken'ichi. These names are a lot different than the ones we got back at home.. When there was a home.'

"Mus, please make sure these two are hidden somewhere behind the thicker section of the walls. I'll go talk to the guards." She whispers to him.

"Have you seen anyone like these two?" A guard asked, holding up two posters of Myeong and Ken'ichi.

The first poster, of Ken'ichi, said, 'Wanted: Ken'ichi, Dead or Alive." Underneath the text, the subtext regarding Ken'ichi's poster said, 'A highly dangerous criminal. Reward: A meeting with the greatest Queen to ever exist."

Then, the second poster, of Myeong, said, 'Wanted: Myeong-Jun, Dead.' Underneath, it said, 'The younger sister of the beloved Ji-ho, who betrayed the fabulous queen, and failed an assassination attempt. A serial killer. Extraordinarily dangerous.'

"Uhm..." I gulp. The words looked like nothing but weird squiggles. Well, besides the "C"s and "H"s.

'I can't read what these say,' I think.

I smile at the guard. "Excuse me, sir, I can't read letters too well." Dammit. That's embarrassing that I cannot read. "You know, uh, bad eyesight."

I look back at Mus, and signal for him to come. He blinks at me, confusedly, before getting up to come.

"What do these words say?" I whisper.

It takes the boy a little while for him to read all inscribed below. Then he whispers back, "Just something on how dangerous the people in the picture are, and rewards to talk with the queen if they're caught."

"Oh." I look at the photo of the two criminals, and then back to Mus. He shakes his head and gives me a smile, so I respond with, "Nope. Maybe once in the... market place."

"Are you sure?" The guard raised an eyebrow.

"Mhm!" I flash him a bright grin.

Mus leans over and whispers to the guard. "She hit her head a couple days ago, so she's a little out of it. Anyways, sorry sir, but have a nice day!"

I slam the door in his face, and glare lightly at Mus. He shoves me playfully, so I shove him back.

"Oh yeah," I mock him, "I hit my head too hard a few days ago."

He breaks into laughter. "That's how you seem, like, every day!"

"Ugh!" I push him back, and scowl. "Annoying like a flee,"

"But you're stuck with me, Hebe!" He teases.

I nod, and scowl again. "And... you're stuck with me too!"

I jump at Mus to start tickling him, when I remember that there are two criminals in our house. Two wanted, deadly criminals.

"Those posters are so over exaggerated." Myeong frowned. "Almost every word is folly."

'Oh.. How... Does she not have a brain? These people will kill her and her boyfriend!' She thinks, but the thought of, 'She's so brave,'

"Clearly Edge wants to brainwash her minions." Myeong accused, "into believing Ken'ichi and I are devils coming from hell."

The door opened again from the rising levels of sound. She shook her head. "Uh, sir, clearly this is a misunderstanding. This is —not— your criminal. This is my friend..." I need a name, and see the grass by our feet. "...Grass!"

The guard looked confused for a minute, then nodded, "Huh, how strange. Okay."

Daffodils and Hyacinths (3rd book in the Forgotten Truths series)Where stories live. Discover now