Your Beautiful Wings

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AU where lilith is still around and with lucifer

Lucifer stood on his balcony, shirtless with red sweatpants on and a lit cigarette between his lips, leaning against the railing as he stared off into his ring of hell, two fingers disconnecting the cigarette from his lips as smoke was forced out his mouth and disappeared into air. His eyes full of nothing as they bored into the chaotic city, of what he's created. Hearing some faint footsteps coming from behind, it was an easy guess to who it was. lilith. he didnt feel like seeing her right now, they've been arguing all week, which isnt new, but still he chooses to be stubborn and ignore her.

he looked up to see lilith standing at his side, eyes piercing into the city with a cold look on her face. Lucifer just sighed and looked away, "Yes, Lilith?" Lucifer questioned, taking another inhale of his cigarette. "What? can i not accompany my husband?" Lilith asked defensively, annoyance already in her tone which made lucifer scoff. "Im just saying, its not everyday you actually do." Lucifer grumbled and suddenly felt the cigarette fall out from in between his fingers. looking over, he watched as lilith flicked it away and it fall all the way down to the ground.

"I- what the hell was that for?" Lucifer asked as he glared up at his wife who glared right back at him. "Its bad for you, you know that." Lilith growled, "and so is drinking, and you know that." Lucifer spat back. Lucifer knew he was only feeding into the argument that was brewing, but he is a stubborn shit who likes starting problems and would never be caught backing down like some pussy. especially with Lilith who just loves one upping him.

"Dont get barky with me, Lucifer. i dont have time for your dumb shit." Lilith said, hands tightly gripping the railing. "Dont blame this on me, you are the one who came over with an attitude." Lucifer said before walking off, turning around and entering their bedroom(the balcony connects to their bedroom). "I have no attitude! Gosh, Lucifer-- why cant you just carry one normal conversation?" Lilith growled as she followed him, watching as he began getting dressed into his normal attire. "Where are you going?"

"None of your concern." Lucifer said as he buttoned up his vest then shrugged his coat on. "No, you are staying right here mister. you dont just- walk out on me like this!" Lilith complained. "Who said im walking out?" Lucifer said, a hint of mischief in his voice as he got his belt on and finally, the cherry on top, his hat. "Lucifer, I'm warning you!" Lilith said angrily, basically fuming. Suddenly then Lucifer walked to the balcony, stood their for a moment before his beautiful wings emerged.

now that set lilith off. just as lucifer was about to take flight, Lilith ran over, she couldn't grab his wrist to pull him back so she sort of panicked and grabbed onto his wings.


Lucifer collapsed back onto the balcony, "Fuck! What did you do?!" Lucifer groaned, pain spreading along his whole back as he looked up at Lilith and he saw it. his wings in her hands, blood dripping from the ends, and she stood there with a stunned look but it eventually turned into a smirk. Angelic blood ushered from where his wings once were, Lucifer stiffling back screams and groans which felt impossible, he felt dizzy, nauseous even. "Maybe that'll teach you to act right." Lilith said in a cold tone as she dropped the wings infront of him for him to see then walked off.

His eyes widened and once he heard the sound of her leaving the room, he let loose. a scream escaped his lips and his chest heavily heaved up and down. "fuck!" Lucifer growled, hands weekly clawing at the surface below him. The angelic blood oozed onto the ground around him and the more he thought about it, the more it ached and burned. Lucifer tried to get up but his legs betrayed him once he managed to get half up, clinging to the railing but he did just fall.

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