I wish you were a girl

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this contains: internalized homophobia


Lucifer sat at the bar, hunched over while he effortlessly sipped on his 6th glass of vodka. Its been a rough week for Lucifer, and he felt he needed, or deserved a drink. he ran a clammy hand through his hair, pushing it back just for it to fall back to its original position. He lifted his head and his hooded eyes looked around, the world spinning a bit as he let out a groan and held his head in his hands. "Gimme 'nother drink.." he mumbled, and Husk let out a sigh. "Im not one to talk, but whatever happened, the answer aint at the bottom of a glass."

Lucifer glared at him, "i don't need-'" hiccup! " 'ny advice from a kitty." Lucifer slurred, giggling a bit. "Now gimme a damn drink." Lucifer said, a fist landing down on the counter as he drowsily glared at husk. With the feline rolling his eyes, he poured the king yet another glass of vodka. "There you go.. im clocking out for the night. at this point, just help yourself." Husk said with a sigh as he swiped a damp rag across the counter then tossed it to the side, exiting the bar. As he walked past lucifer, he gave him a pat on the back, "Have fun getting shit faced." Husk said, before making his jolly way to angel dusts room with a proud walk.

"Whatever, fuck you.." Lucifer mumbled as he grabbed the glass and drank it, a bit messily since it dribbled down his chin. Slamming the glass down on the counter, he threw his arms in the air, "Hell yeahhhhh! High score!" Lucifer cheered himself, before letting out a loud burp, causing him to get startled and begin to fall back. "ohnooo, timberrrrrr.." he woo'd, but mid fall something stopped him. Raising an eyebrow, Lucifer looked up to see Alastor standing before him, hovering as two tentacled latched onto his arms to catch him.

"What a mess we have here.. don't we, my lord?" Alastor teased as the tentacles lifted him back up, shoving him into his seat a bit. "Ah- im not the mess here! imma hotttt mess. 'n you know itt." Lucifer said as he grabbed onto the bar for support, then glared back at alastor. "fuck you want?" Lucifer questioned, looking the radio demon up and down. The demon in question grinned at him, "Oh i dont want anything. Simply, just doing my job and keeping slobs out the lobby."

Lucifer fumed. "I am not a slob! im your KING and your my peasant!" Lucifer claimed loudly as he stumbled to his feet, and pointed at Alastor. "soo act like it..n' make me a sammich." Lucifer grumbled as he firmly pressed a finger against the taller mans chest who gave him a weird look. "..Right. How about we get you to your room, yes?" Alastor asked as he held a hand out to the stubborn wobbly king.

"Noo! the nights still young! i can kick in another drink or two!" Lucifer exclaimed, throwing his arms enthusiastically in the air. "One, its midnight, so the night is very much so not young and two, im afraid another drink will make your small body explode." Alastor said while holding up two fingers as Lucifer blankly started at him. "Eh?" The king chirped while tilting his head.

"Proving my point." Alastor said seconds before Lucifers feet were swept off the ground. No, not bridal style, but a tentacle extending from alastors back grabbed Lucifers ankle and yanked it so he'd fall down, which now leads to Alastor dragging a drunk Lucifer, literally on the floor. "Weeee.. this is my life now." Lucifer cooed, eyes lazily staring up at the ceiling before him. When Alastor reached rhe stairs, he tried his best to be careful with the small man, but he also doesn't care. "Ow. Ow." Lucifer mumbled whenever his head would hit a stair step.

When they reached Lucifers room, Alastor pushed the door open with ease, and dragged the drunk man inside. "Lucifer, stop wiggling." Alastor ordered to the king below him who snorted. Rolling his eyes, alastor pulled Lucifer up by the collar and sat him on his bed. "Be gentle with mee." Lucifer slurred with a flirty and playful hint in his tone. "Well, maybe if you had your life together a bit i wouldnt have to be doing this at all, isnt that right, my lord?" Alastor questioned while lucifer quietly mimicked him.

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