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TW: ed, anorexia, val, eventually smut


Lucifer watched as Valentino entered the hotel. The Moth had told Angel Dust he'd be stopping by, as he wants to see where his most successful worker is living. And also because he's possessive and needs to know where to find him 24/7.

Lucifer sat at the bar, staring at the pimp with a raised brow as angel cautiously gave him a tour, clearly nervous. He wasn't very familiar with the man, but he knew he wasn't exactly..a good person. He knows his treatment towards Angel and he lives in the v's tower. And thats it. Lucifer then decided to mind his business and redirect his attention to his drink, staring down at it with a sigh, picking it up as he sipped it.

Suddenly Alastor approached, placing a hand on his lovers shoulder as he sat besides him, "Good evening, Dear." Alastor said to the king who looked at him with a shocked expression. "Ack!- you scared me!" Lucifer said as he flinched away, earning a chuckle from the radio demon. "Where have you been? I was looking for you earlier." Lucifer said and Alastor gave a shrug, "Oh, nothing important. I was visiting Rosie. Did i not tell you?" Alastor asked which Lucifer shook his head.

"Ah- well, Mr. Pimp over there is here. Wants a tour of the place since angel is staying here." Lucifer said as he pushed his barely drunk out of beverage to the side, and gesturing his head to nod at Valentino who was being shown around. "Isn't that just interesting." Alastor hummed and Lucifer chuckled before suddenly making eye contact with Valentino.

Valentino grinned and made his way over, as Angel Dust groaned and flopped onto the lobby couch, just giving up at this point. Blowing out a pink cloud of smoke, Valentino walked up to both men. "Ah, its so nice finally getting to meet you, my king." Valentino said, his voice slow and smooth with a small accent.

Lucifer stared at him awkwardly for a moment before smiling. "And you may be..?" "Valentino. Director of the porn studios." Valentino said with no shame as he held out a hand to shake Lucifers, which Lucifer shook his hand, to be polite. "Say, i understand your the king of hell and such- but my my..your just a perfect little one, aint ya? You'd do me lots of money y'know." Valentino said as he looked him up and down.

Lucifer and Alastor shared a short look before Lucifer looked back at Valentino, shaking his head. "Oh, no! Im not really.. interested in that business. Thank you for the offer, i think?" Lucifer said awkwardly as he went to let go of his hand, but Valentino tightened his grip. "Aw, bellissimo, think about it. You got the pretty face, and your so skinny, everyone loves that, and what would you say your flexibility is?" Valentino said as he caressed the kings hand.

With that, being uncomfortable enough, Lucifer yanked his hand away. "Valentino, i believe thats enough. I think keeping that talk at work is better." Alastor said, glaring at the Pimp who glared back at him. "Oh, Alastor. It's been minute." Valentino said, squinting his eyes at him as he smirked smugly. "Indeed it has. But I do ask, you leave. Or atleast go back to your boy toy, yes? Me and Lucifer do have better plans than hearing you." Alastor said and leaned back against the bar.

Lucifer furrowed his eyebrows and looked at alastor, as he had forgotten Alastors relationship with the v's isn't exactly..on good terms. Valentinos expression softened, then turned angry. "I see. Well, y'know- i could give a shit, got that, radio demon?" Valentino said then looked at Lucifer, scoffing. "And you, i dont need you. I got better skinnier anorexic ass bitches than you, much sexier too! Dont think i dont see right through your skinny little act you got going on, man. Go stick two fingers down your damn throat, you ignorant slut!" Valentino huffed, losing his temper as he stomped out the hotel.

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