Show and tell

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this contains: married radioapple! : Thought you guys may need some fluff..

i am so sorry this took two weeks! im not even proud of this one but i needed to get something out. motivation has been shat!


Lucifer and Alastor have always been Night Owls. They often spend late nights in eachothers company, either if its just sitting in silence while they do they own thing, or spending the hours talking or doing something. Their late nights range from 11pm to 2am because Lucifer always ends up passing out by 2am and Alastor of course lays with him and eventually falls asleep with him, The two always end up falling asleep in the same position where Lucifer has his arms lazily wrapped around Alastors waist, head against his chest as Alastor has an arm wrapped securely around him while he lays on his arm which is probably why it hurts all the time, but the two are so very pressed up against each other and they can feel eachothers warmth and hear the others breathing.

The married couple also agreed on staying at the hotel, sharing a room. Alastor claimed Lucifers big castle was two big for the both of them and he kept getting lost, plus the two would rather be close by to their daughter, charlie of course. Ever since they married about 1, about to be 2 years ago, Charlie got used to calling Alastor Pa. At first the concept of Charlie now being his legal step daughter was weird to Alastor but he was quick to get used to it. And Lucifer likes the look on him, truly he's a very good dad. he adores watching alastor so happy and..fatherly in mornings if he decides to make breakfast with Charlie while Lucifer, half dead, sits on the counter sipping on coffee because alastor drags them both out of bed early to help.

But things have been good. so, so good. The Hotel is absolutely great! its still..struggling, but slowly yet surely, clientele has been flowing in. They found out Sir Pentious, bless his heart, was redeemed! Along with a small number of other ex hotel residents. But still, that assures things are working. And Lucifer and Alastor, couldn't be better. Angel Dust claims he's never seen the two so happy, He sees the way Alastor doesn't have to fake his smile anymore and how Lucifer is always in a good mood. He isn't sure if they just have a really good sex life or is just genuinely happy. maybe both.

Anyways, it was one of those nights, 1am where the two stayed up together, chatting as Alastor layed on his back, a hand behind his head as his other wrapped around lucifer who rested his head on Alastors chest, being careful not to harm his basically healed chest, but its still a little sensitive. Both men stared up at the ceiling, before Lucifer decided to pop a question that's been lingering in his mind for A while. "Hey, Al?" Lucifer said, "Yes, Luci?" The taller man responded, a hand gently brushing throw his blonde locks. "You were in the mortal world, right? Before you died?"

"Ah, yes. indeed i was. why do you ask?" Alastor asked, looking down at Lucifer who's gaze met his, "I was just getting to that. i just- I've been thinking about it. i gave the mortal world freedom and- I've never gotten to see how it turned out. I barely know how it looks. Alastor, can you tell me about the mortal world?" Lucifer asked, worry in his big eyes. Lucifer has completely no idea of how his idea turned out for the mortals. Has it blessed them, or turned into another horrible idea of his?

"Ah, of course." Alastor simply said and Lucifers eyes lit up, turning to lay on his side, scooting up so his head layed besides alastors. Alastor looked up at the ceiling while an excited lucifer still looked at him. "Well..where do you want me to start? The people? Orr..the world, the sky, th-" "The sky." Lucifer interrupted, Alastor chuckled and nodded. "Well, If the weather is nice and sunny, The sky is a light blue color. maybe some white fluffy clouds in the sky." Alastor began, a content smile on his face, "Oh, the clouds.. how i miss those clouds, how they stretch across the skies, stretching largely and making spectacular shapes." Alastor chuckled softly.

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