Chapter 2

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I jolted awake in a cold sweat," What the fuck?" I said rubbing my eyes "What fucking time is it?" I muttered, grabbing my phone and seeing the number '1:30 am January 28th, 2021'. "Fucking damnit," I said to the emptiness of my room, "Same fucking nightmare for the past week in a row" I muttered knowing I wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep. I got up and after I gained my vision back, I quietly made my way to the kitchen, I got a Pepsi and a bag of Takis. After I quietly made my way back to my bedroom, I cracked open the Pepsi and opened the bag of takes. Turning my TV down, I put on the first season of Criminal Minds. I watched six and a half episodes cause now it was 6:30 am and my alarm was ringing.

"Welp time for school, fucking great" I muttered as I stood up first going to take my morning medicine and then going over to the drawer, I pulled out a pair of ripped dark-washed jeans and a Sam and Colby shirt and hoodie. After putting on the clothes I picked out, I headed to the bathroom where I brushed my hair and teeth. I made my way back to my room so I could slide on my socks and shoes. I yawned as I grabbed my phone and headed to the kitchen where I was met with the triplets eating cereal. "Good morning, scar," Nick said catching everyone else's attention, "Morning" I replied sitting down at the bar.

"Are you hungry?" Matt asked, "nah I'm not hungry" I replied flashing him a small smile, "You should eat ghost," Chris said. "I'm good, I'm seriously not hungry at all" I replied trying to get him off my back before the others caught on and pestered me into eating. "Alright if you say so... are you guys ready for the test today in English?" Nicked asked, making Matt and Chris' eyes go wide. "TEST!?" they both exclaimed startling me, "Yeah on that book uh, Night" I replied making both of them look around frantically. "Shit, I didn't study" Chris and Matt muttered making me and Nick laugh, "I've got the notes, find me during lunch," I said making them both sigh in relief.

"OH shit, it's like 7 we gotta get to school!" Nick exclaimed, "fuck" everyone else said as we rushed to grab our bags and crowd out the door of the small apartment. We made it to the van, Matt in the driver seat, me in the passenger seat and Nick and Chris in the back. We made it to school with 5 minutes to spare, Matt parked and we all headed inside. "See y'all later," I said, parting from the triplets since I had advanced classes, "Bye," the triplets said heading to their classes. I quickly made my way to my first class which is AP Calculus AB, I made it to class just as the bell rang.

After 1st period I headed to 2nd period, which was biology with the triplets and violet. I walked into class seeing tables in groups which meant we were going to do a lab. I sat at my table, waiting for the triplets and Violet. Eventually, they all tumbled in the door arguing over something stupid. I laughed as Matt beelined it to me, "They've been arguing over a math problem since last period..." he muttered sitting next to me.

"Guys! Enough '' I yelled making Chris, Nick, and Violet go silent, "What even is the problem you're arguing over? '' I asked as they sat down across from me and matt. "What does the equation indicate the center and radius of the circle? And the equation is (x-2)²+y²=36" Matt said. "Nick, what did you say?" I asked, "I said (-2,0) and the radius is 36" Nick replied. "You're wrong, it's (-2,0) and the radius is 6" Chris yelled, "No both of you are wrong it's (2,0) and the radius is 36," Violet remarked. They started arguing again "Guys!" I yelled, getting their attention, "What?" they both asked "You're all wrong," I said laughing making everyone look at me.

"What?" they asked, "The correct answer is (2,0) and a radius of 6," I said making them go silent, Matt started laughing. The bell rang for the second period to start when the teacher came into the class. "Good morning class, today we are going to dissect frogs," Mr. Tillet said I immediately noticed Nick didn't look well. The second period was quite eventful, Chris tripped over Violet's bag and accidentally cut his finger which bled. The blood ended up making Nick pass out, Matt seeing the whole ordeal made him have a panic attack.

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