Chapter 5

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I woke up to another nightmare, I looked at my phone and it flashed "3:30 am, January 30th, 2021", "Welp, I got more sleep than last time" I muttered to myself as I got up and headed to the kitchen. I fixed myself some hot chocolate and returned to my room, I grabbed my laptop and started watching Criminal Minds. I made it through about 4 episodes I was now on season 1 episode 11, when I heard someone in the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen to see Justin grabbing a soda, "Oh shit, hey little sis why are you awake?" he asked sitting down at the bar, I sat beside him. "My nightmares are back and I haven't been getting any sleep," I said rubbing my eyes.

"That bad huh?" he asked "Yeah, it's like im reliving that exact moment over and over again," I said sighing. "It'll all be okay, just got to give it time, we move back into the house today, and then let's be for real, you know them triplets are gonna be in your room since it's the coldest and biggest," Justin said making me laugh. "Yeah that's true," I said laughing, Me and Justin spent an hour or so talking, "You should go get dressed, it won't be long until everyone else is awake," Justin said. "Okay," I said getting up and going into my room to change into different clothes and to take my morning medicine. After I got changed and took my meds I went to the living room to see everyone was awake eating breakfast.

"Good morning," the triplets said their mouths full, "finish eating what's in your mouth first, also good morning" I replied making the triplets immediately close their mouths. "Thank you, sweetie," Mom said making me laugh, "You guys going to Ikea? This morning?" Dad asked. "Yeah that was the plan," Matt said putting his plate away, "I can drive," I said smiling, as I started to dig into my plate. "Okay, whose card are you kids using?" Mom asked her and Dad looking at us. "I planned on using the card I was left from Mama and Dad," I replied making everyone turn to me.

"How much did they even leave you?" Chris said "Don't ask that dumbass" Matt said hitting Chris in the head, "No Matt it's fine, so they had life insurance policy each of them and then they also had bank accounts in the boy's names," I said taking a sip of orange juice. "So my parents each had a 1 million dollar life insurance policy since they worked in big business, plus their joint account which had $500,000 at the time of their death plus the accounts that Jackson and Grayson had." I finished, and the boy's jaws dropped.

"Holy shit! Your parents were loaded" Nick said making us laugh, "Yeah, plus the bank gives interest rates. At the time of death with all the bank accounts and everything, I got $2,510,000 and then the bank put money in the account so it's quite a lot now" I replied. "I only tap into it when I need clothes, hygiene supplies, school supplies, or if I need something," I said leaving out the part of me paying Mary Lou and Jimmy for letting me live with them, "That's very smart dear, letting that account grow," Dad said giving me a side hug. "So you are paying for all of the furniture?" Matt joked, "Yeah I had planned on it, it's not like I can't afford it" I joked making their jaws drop. "I- seriously?" Matt said bewildered, "Honey you don't have to do that," Mom said looking at me. "I had already planned on it, they didn't give much money to you guys after the fire, so I got furniture covered," I said making Mom get teary-eyed.

"We can't change your mind can we?" Jimmy asked, "Nope, I owe you guys, plus I ain't gonna use it" I replied smiling everyone else shaking their heads. "Stubborn girl" Justin muttered ruffling my hair, "Hey asshole," I said swatting his hand. "Okay, Dad rented two U-hauls, and they both are in the front yard remember this apartment was already furnished besides the three beds we were sleeping on so those are the only things we're taking and I and dad are going to load those up," Mom said, us nodding. "Okay, kids go ahead and have fun," Dad said ushering us out of the house, i went and grabbed my wallet with my card and headed outside with the boys. Justin was the last one out so he shut the door.

"Who is driving? Nick asked looking between me, Matt, and Justin. "Not it, I'm paying I'm not driving," I said making the two boys groan, "I can," Justin said getting into the driver's seat. Nick was in the passenger seat, and Chris, and I got into the very back. "This shit hella roomy" Chris said flopping down on the floor, "yeah because furniture goes in here," I said sarcastically. Matt started laughing as Chris grumbled, rolling his eyes, next thing I  knew the U-Haul was moving to send me flying into Matt with a thud. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18 ⏰

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