(28) Father, SISTER, and a Surprise

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"What... What do you MEAN you invited him?!"

MOM looked away and rubbed her wrists nervously, trying to find the right words to say. "Honey... Look, I-I know how you feel about all this, but-"

MARI: "If you knew then you never would have done this! Why- ugh." She held her temples and shut her eyes, taking deep breaths and trying to think straight. She then looked to MOM with an intense gaze. "He shouldn't be here, MOM. Period. He doesn't have that right." Her tone was unwavering, telling her she meant every word she told her.

MOM: "(Sigh) MARI, please-" She looked to the others by the door and took a deep breath. "Lets let everyone leave so we can discuss this privately, please? Since this is a FAMILY Matter?"

MARI looked to HERO, seeing him a bit nervous and sighed, wiping her eyes a bit. "...Alright."

HERO understood how she felt, and knew words of encouragement wouldn't get through to her when she's like this. So, he patted her shoulder and gave a nod. "We'll uhm, see you later, okay?"

MARI gave a slight nod, but place her hand on his before he took it off. "Hey, uhm... Thank you, for breakfast and everything."

HERO gave a warm smile and hugged her lightly, speaking in a calm voice. "Anytime."

As the others opened the door, MARI looked away from it and refused to look towards it. HERO looked and saw THOMAS standing aside, looking up to him and raising his brows a bit.

THOMAS: "Woah, HENRY AUBREY and KELSEY. You guys still hanging out with my kids?"

HERO went from his usual friendly look to a more stern once he saw THOMAS, standing up straight and looking him in the eyes. "Yeah, we have." He had a stern look on his face when he said that.

THOMAS: "Really now. Even the MYERS kid? Uhh... BASIL?"

AUBREY was more nervous, clearing her throat and tugging at her collar. "Yeah- uh, yes sir. He's just, not here right now..."

THOMAS: "I see..." He took a deep breath and patted HERO'S shoulder, looking to him as he spoke. "Thank you, for taking care of em." He turned to the others and nodded to them. "All of you. It's... a relief to know they had you lot looking after em."

HERO looked to the side and face away from him a bit. "...Someone had to."

THOMAS: "Hmm." Seemingly unphased by this, he stepped aside and let them pass. While they walked by, he cleared his throat. "How uh, how's your folks doing?"

HERO: "They're fine." He kept his answer short and sweet, walking past him without stopping and turned to KEL and AUBREY. "Let's go, guys."

Awkwardly, they walked by and didn't make eye contact with him, but once they made it to the sidewalk, they heard him speak up again. "Hey, if you can, tell ED- I mean, tell you Dad I'm back in town please."

HERO didn't even turn around, walking next door to their house. He turned to AUBREY and regained his usual smile. "Hey, how bout you stay over for a bit? Give them some privacy."

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