(30) Field of Dreamers

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MARI couldn't remember when she feel asleep. She had woken up not too long ago, and she remembered storming off to her room after a brief argument with her MOM about what happened.

She was too worked up to realize that not only did she trudge up the stairs without being scared, but she also left SUNNY downstairs as she slammed the door.

She paced around her room, pulling her hair and wanting to throw and punch things but restraining herself. Her coughing spiked as she was breathing heavily, but she didn't focus on that, raspy breaths as she was working herself up.

By the time she realized how tired she was still, she had already flopped onto her bed and was taking slow, deep breaths. She was still deeply frustrated, but the restless nights she's had over the 4 years was finally catching up to her, her eyes feeling heavy and closing as she felt herself sweating and feeling her temperature rising as she began drifting off to sleep...


She felt more awake while she was asleep, as backwards as that sounded. But even as she slept relatively peacefully, she was still angry in her dreams. Knowing she was asleep, seeing the Grey Room around her, she finally let out a roar of frustration.

She grabbed the stuff on her drawer and slammed it again the wall, grabbing her blanket and trying to tear it, only getting more frustrated when it wouldn't rip.

A grunt of anger turned into a scream, falling to her knees and panting heavily, hearing her heartbeat in her ears as she was coming down off of her anger. Her rage about everything that happened just this morning was subsiding for now, and she felt it slowly becoming something else.

Before she knew it, she felt her eyes welling up with tears, sniffling while she was beginning to curled up into a ball, hugging her knees tightly. Light sobbing filled her Dream Room, crying into her knees and barely holding together.

Everything was happening too fast for her, she couldn't process any of it long enough to think clearly. It was becoming too much, she just wanted everything to stop....

And it did.

She could finally hear the silence in the air, broken only by her sobbing. She finally rose her head from her knees, teary eyed and on the verge or breaking down again. But she heard something outside her door, making her try and stop sniffling as she wiped her eyes and blinked a few times to clear. It was faint, but the next time she heard it... it was all too clear.

The sound of light cracking wear heard, making her heart stop and had her eyes dark to the staircase. And once she looked, she saw a massive black hand rise before SLAMMING down, breaking the staircase... as HELLSUNNY slowly rose over the the stairs.

It's massive, trembling eye staring right at her as she saw his wide, toothy grin emerge over. It was slowly rising, MARI taking slow deep breaths as she looked terrified. And yet, she was crawling towards it, more specifically, to her door. It's like it was waiting for her to make any sudden movements before it pounced, taking a deep raspy breath before speaking as she was inches away from the doorknob.

"w H y D o Y o U c R y, S i S t E r?"

She placed her hand on the doorknob, trembling as she quickly locked it. And once the click was heard, it's eye trembled furiously, smile growing wider as it's arm reached forward, ready to throw itself towards the door.

"h A v E y O u R s I n S.... C A U G H T
U P T O Y O U ?!?!"

As it shouted that, it lunged towards the door head first, right as MARI swung it shut. A loud THUD was heard as she fell back, MARI looking up in shock as she heard repeated thuds slamming against the door. A loud roar of hatred echoed in the house, more heavy thuds hitting the door as she began to panic.

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