Chapter 2

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      Two months have passed, and in five days is the grand ball. This ball is the start of the matchmaking season. All eligible lords and ladies gather to drink, eat, and dance. In the past two months, I have done my research on the high society families of my time. I even acquired my tutors' help with finding families and their names. Mrs. Hughes is a very nice old woman. She holds herself high and has no problem speaking to me without being formal. She feels like a mother to me, and for that, I'm grateful.

      Today, I have decided to take a stroll among our gardens. Lizzie, my maid, is not too far behind me, but she does give me space to help me relax. Our gardener has planted every kind of flower in this kingdom. However, a lot of them are the same as the ones I had in my previous life. It is a sense of nostalgia. As I take a seat on a stone bench, I hear footsteps coming closer to me. I look over to the sound and see Mrs. Hughes approaching me. She has books and papers in her arms, and a cheeky grin is planted on her face.

      "Good afternoon, Lady Lorelei. I have some good news for you." She takes a moment to bow before sitting down next to me. "Now, I found some promising candidates for you to converse with this coming weekend." She hands me a pile of papers, and I begin to sift through them. The Marquess and his eligible sons will be in attendance. According to rumors and the papers before me, they are incredibly handsome. The same goes for the Earls' sons. What is left for speculation is that the king's sons may be in attendance. However, that is left to be seen. There are so many handsome men, but I'm not dead set on which one I want to pursue.

      I thank Mrs. Hughes and then proceed on my walk around the gardens. Later today, the dressmaker is coming to have me choose colors and designs. But I already know what I want. I want an emerald green taffeta and decorated with black lace and beads. The bodice is supported by 9 metal bones, with a rear closure with adjustable lace. I know that this dress will cost the Duke quite a bit of money, but he did say to get as many as I want in different colors. So I'll be doing the design but in several other colors. Plus, a couple of the dresses will be slightly lower on my chest.

      I finish my walk and head towards the dining room to have lunch with my dear brothers. Sebastian is already there waiting, and it's clear he's already saved me a seat next to him. Such a gentleman. A footman pulls back my chair, allowing me to sit. I take my place next to Sebastian happily.

      "Greetings, dear sister. Are you having a splendid day?" His smile speaks a thousand words, and if I were my old self, I'd faint.

      "Yes, I am. Thank you, brother. Who else is joining us?"

      "Father said he cannot make it, so it will be us two, and our other brothers, Kellen and Lawrence."

      "I see," I say with a sigh. Father is understandably intimidating and makes your gut clench. However, my other brothers are a different story. What I've gathered from Lizzie is that Kellen is the firstborn and heir to father's place. So, the majority of the time, he is not even home. Lawrence, however, is the youngest of the three brothers, which makes him cold and harsh. Even though Lorelei has no claim to the title of Duke or Duchess, he still treats her as though she is a threat to everything he's worked so hard to make happen.

      Just as Sebastian and I begin talking, the doors swing open, and walking in are my two other brothers. These two take after father far more than I or Sebastian do. They have his sharp facial features, his lighter red hair, and their not-so-green eyes. I'm honestly surprised the Duke doesn't have different-colored hair or eyes. It's as if I've woken up in an anime story of some kind. But I have come to accept living here and taking on my role as Lorelei.

      "Ah, brothers. You have arrived. We can finally have lunch now," Sebastian says loudly. Even though he's the middle son, he at times pokes at the prides of the other two.

      "Bas, sit down before you hurt yourself," Kellen says.

      "Let's just eat and get it done with," Lawrence says.

      "Lawrence, behave," Kellen's voice is low and booming. I can see that Lawrence is like a puppy dog whose tail just went between their legs. The two sit down, allowing the staff to finally bring us our food. One thing I'm most grateful for waking up in this world is the food. My plate is full of delicious food, and it's not table scraps or finger sandwiches you would read in a book like "Sense and Sensibility."" As we eat in silence, I can't help but glance up at my brothers. All of them are handsome in their way, with personalities to accompany them. Just as I glance around the table, Kellen clears his throat.

      "So, Lorelei. Father tells me that he has given you a year to find someone you love to marry. If you don't, you marry someone of his choosing." His words stop me, as well as the others at the table from eating. We all glance in his direction.

      "Yes, that is true. But I'm wondering, dear brother, how you came to know this information?"

      "Father told me. He said it is my job you don't make a fool of yourself or our family name. I will be your chaperone to the majority of the balls and get-togethers this season. Sebastian may take my place from time to time. Even Lawrence will help out. But we are here to protect your good name, as well as ours."

      I am left speechless. For one, the fact that Father deems it necessary for me to have a guard almost guarantees that I won't find someone I can truly love. Not with the Duke's sons hanging around my every move. This annoys me to no end, but I stay calm for the sake of the luncheon.

      "My my, dear brother. I will be grateful for your watchful care." My words seem to shut him up. Lawrence looks like he wants to punch a wall for what Father said. Sebastian looks at me with sympathy. He knows that this is Father's way of trying to control me and guarantee my failure to find love. After lunch, we all go our separate ways. Once I reach my room, I ring my servant's bell. Lizzie hurries in.

"Yes, my lady?" She bows slightly.

      "Lizzie, please draw me a hot bath and prepare for me to be in there a while." Lizzie looks worried, but she complies. Moments later, she's back, ready to help me undress. The corset that I am to endure with these lavish dresses is what might just kill me in my new life. I follow Lizzie to my private bathroom and practically plunge into the tub. I motion for Lizzie to stay.

      I spend the next half-hour telling Lizzie what happened with Father, as well as what happened at luncheon. I have found Lizzie is not only an amazing servant but a wonderful friend. When I have finished my tales, her mouth is hanging open like a codfish.

      "My lady, surely they don't mean any harm. I'm sure they are just worried about you and want to protect you."

      "Lizzie, I appreciate your innocent outlook on the situation. However, I've come to understand the Duke more. He means to sabotage my ways of finding romance so Father can control who I marry. He would want me to marry for power and status, not for love." I climb out of the tub, and Lizzie helps me dry off and get dressed for the evening. I'll be having dinner in my room so that way I can stay in my simplest gown with no corset. She stays and talks with me more, but eventually, she has to leave and get on with her other chores.

      The evening is coming to an end, and I feel like there is more that I have to do. But if I learned one thing from my previous life, sleep is essential to survival. I close my eyes, but I toss and turn for a few hours before I can finally relax and fall asleep.

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