Chapter 1

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      My everyday life was a boring event of nothingness. I worked in an office as a measly secretary every day. I answered the same kinds of phone calls and did the same kind of paperwork day in and day out. I felt as if I would die from my misery, but I somehow had stayed alive until the night I was so tired that I didn't notice the water bottle on my floor. I slipped on the water bottle and cracked my skull open on impact. I died 3 hours later, and everything just goes black from there.

      When I opened my eyes, I was surrounded by lavish furniture, stunning artwork, and fantastic structure. I looked down at my hands and my body, which seemed to not be mine. I ran to the nearest mirror and saw that I had long blood red hair, emerald green eyes, and skin fair and clear. Who was this woman standing before me?

      It's been a week since I woke up in this strange time and place. I have come to learn I am Lady Lorelei Marigold, daughter to Duke Marigold, the youngest child of 4, with 3 older brothers. According to the whispers of the staff, as well as information from my lady's maid, I am normally very shy and reserved. I tend to keep to myself, and I don't go to many social functions unless I'm required to. I have taken the time that I seem to have plenty of to study about where I am and what I am a part of. I believe I've died and been reincarnated into a novel of some kind. The nation I live in now is called Valeaxtis, and it is said that this nation is the largest in the world, ruled over by the Bexley family for over hundreds of years. That's all I've been able to learn in the past week.

      Luck seems to be on my side while I try to learn how to be a part of this world since my new family doesn't seem to really care for me. My new mother, the Duchess, died after giving birth to Lady Lorelei, causing the Duke to have a strong resentment toward her. But I guess I am now Lorelei, and no one else. I guess I have forgotten about my past and who I used to be. That life is over for me. I sit at my desk writing down notes of what I've learned with a quill and ink.

      It feels so weird to be writing in this fashion. However, the language and all the skills Lorelei had are now my abilities. My handwriting is phenomenal. I can sew, sing, play the piano, and paint. That is what my new life has given me. However, I still bring skills from my previous life with me. Despite being a workaholic for the majority of my short life, I did have hobbies. I would go riding horses and rock climbing, and I even did some archery, fencing, and karate. But slowly, over the years working at the office, I never had time for those things. I never even had time to find love.

      A knock comes from my door, pulling me away from my writing. "Enter," I announce, still not used to my softer and more mature tone of voice. In this new life, I am 26, older than I was when I died at age 20. Lizzie, my lady's maid, enters the room. She always looks so tired.

      "My lady, his lordship has asked for you," she says with her hands politely at her sides. She is quite the petite girl, probably no older than 16.

      "Did he say what he wanted?"

      "No, my lady. His Lordship just asked me to fetch you." I sigh deeply, then put my quill and ink away, place my paper inside my small writing desk, and straighten out my dress before following Lizzie down to the Duke's study. In this past week, I have grown accustomed to calling the Duke my father, as well as addressing my new brothers as just that. In my previous life, I was a single child living with my single mom. I never knew who my biological father was. But none of that matters now. As we stand at the study door, several footmen are seen walking around the halls, working and doing busy work. Lizzie knocks on the door, and then we wait.

      "Enter," a voice booms from inside. We open the door and step inside.

      "I have brought Lady Lorelei as you have asked, my Lordship." Lizzie bows slightly, not making eye contact with anyone in the room.

      "Thank you, Lizzie. That will be all." Lizzie left in a hurry, and I was left alone with the Duke. Despite being here a week, I still haven't met the man in person. He is as handsome as his portrait is in the library. His red hair and emerald eyes are softer versions of mine, but there is no mistaking I am his child. I stand there in awkward silence until he clears his throat.

      "Lorelei, please take a seat." I oblige and quickly sit down. His facial expression seems full of stress. I know the feeling. "The time has come, my child, that we must look for a suitor for you to marry." My throat seizes up, and my palms are sweaty.

      "Must I really, Father?" The words flow out of my mouth faster than I can stop them. He has this look about him that I can't quite understand.

      "Yes, without a question. I will not have any daughter of mine become a spinster. You may not be the heir to this house, but you are still my daughter, and this is expected of you." He writes more notes on the papers laying in front of him. He is incredibly intimidating, and it makes my heart hurt.

      "Yes, father. May I ask one favor?" His eyebrow raises in curiosity. He waves his hand for me to continue. "Please give me a year. It's a year to find someone I can truly love and be with. If I don't, when the year is up, I will marry any of your choosing." He looks quite pleased at my request. He doesn't take long before he grants my request. Starting in May, my year begins.

      According to the books on high society here, summertime is when everyone throws parties and luncheons. Men go on hunting trips while the women gossip with one another. However, right at the beginning of May, a grand ball is held at the royal palace as they begin the season of matchmaking, so to speak.

      As I leave my father's office, Sebastian, the second oldest, is waiting outside. Without a doubt, if I were a maid, I would be crushing hard over my brothers. Especially Sebastian. His hair and eyes are the same intensity as mine. According to Lizzie and a few portraits here and there, we inherited from the Duchess, our mother, who was known for her blood red hair and emerald eyes. According to her magnificent portrait, I am her spitting image.

      "Good morning, Sebastian. May I help you?"

      "No, I don't need any help. I'm just wondering how's the old man is right now? Is he approachable?" The Duke was a very strict man and often beat the boys to teach them a lesson. Lorelei was just neglected as a child and never received fatherly affection growing up.

      "Yes, father is approachable. I have one year to find a man I can love or he will arrange a marriage for me." Sebastian gives a funny look. He never admits it out loud for others to hear, but he is actually very protective of Lorelei. He's very protective of me.

      "I see. And was the year request his?" I shake my head. He seems to relax at my response, then walks into our father's study. With my freedom, I head back to my room and begin plotting how I'm going to find a man I can love.

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