Chapter 5

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      Dinner goes off without a hitch. Everything was civilized, and we actually had some good laughs. However, the whole time, I could feel my brother's eyes on me and my interaction with Declan. Don't get me wrong, in my new life, I am grateful for the love I have and the things I am granted. However, the modern woman in me does not like how women are still treated as a piece of property. Father remained quiet during the entire meal, and he hardly looked in my direction. I believe he was there just to follow the protocol of the political structure. If he didn't attend, it could be seen as offensive in the eyes of Declan's father. Another Duke.

      Declan walks us to our carriages, my arm wrapped up in his as we descend the front steps of his estate. His voice is sweet and charming as we walk together. His eyes can put any woman in a trance, and he could win any political debate with his intense gazes. I honestly can't find one fault in his personality. We fit so well. I step inside my carriage, Sebastian following behind. Before the door closes, Declan reaches for my hand and gently kisses the back of my hand. Chills run up and down my spine, and I can feel my cheeks becoming increasingly warm.

      "I had a lovely evening. May I call upon you and your family again?" His voice reminds me of a professional audiobook reader from my old life. All I can manage to do is nod my head. Sebastian took this as an incentive to close the door on his friend and motion to the carriage driver to take off. I could see the disappointment in Declan's face, and I'm sure there was plenty of disappointment in my face as well. The whole ride home, Sebastian didn't say a word to me; which was completely out of the norm. He almost seemed angry with me, but I haven't been here in this life for that long, so I can't read his facial and body expressions.

      The night ended with Lizza and me talking about how the dinner went and how smitten I am. She helped me dress for bed, and I was able to fall asleep with no problems.

      The next couple of weeks went by rather quickly. I was kept busy with my studies, as well as attending luncheons with high-ranking families. During one of these luncheons, I came across a young lady my same age, who doesn't seem to like Lorelei, I mean me. Her name is Gwendolyn Godfrey, and according to Lizza, we were childhood friends and we spent most of our time together. Until we turned 11, then all of a sudden she didn't want to be around me anymore and she made it her goal to avoid me. So when I saw her at this luncheon, I was unaware of our history.

      The other women of the lunch party made it very clear that there was an awkward situation between the two of us, and I couldn't help but stay away, which made the luncheon go on longer than I wanted. I've also received a few more dinner offers from other esteemed men of the court. However, none of them seem to catch my attention the way Declan does. Tonight, a ball is being thrown in the palace again. These balls happen very frequently, according to Lizzie. So, I am to attend, seeing as I am of age and in search of a husband.

      Lizzie helped dress me in an exotic purple, with lace wrapping the bottom of it. The neckline was much more appropriate, however, it did still tease at what was underneath. Once I was dressed, Sebastian arrived at my door to take me with him. Despite being in this life for so little time frame, I have felt myself truly become a part of the family. I no longer see myself as my old self. I can now, with confidence, say that I am Lorelei Marigold.

      We arrive at the ball, and almost immediately, I am swarmed by lovely ladies and dashing gentlemen. Sadly though, Declan is nowhere to be found. As I sip on a glass of wine, a familiar face appears with her snotty attitude and mini minions following. Gwendolyn looks rather eye-appealing, but I know her true nature. She is nothing more than an evil twist of fate. "Well, well. Look at who we have here. Isn't it miss Lorelei Marigold, miss prim and proper. What brought the spawn of the devil himself to this magnificent occasion?"

      I could hear the women snickering behind me, and this made me ball up my fists next to my sides. If we were in my time, she would've gotten her face wrecked. But here, appearance is everything. I can't risk my reputation and chances of finding a man I love over this daft bimbo.

      "Oh, Gwendolyn. I didn't see you there over your massive ego and large head. I happen to be here because I was invited. Did you sneak in through the back passageway like the trash you are?" Her eyes went wide with shock and pure rage. I know I hit a nerve, and this may not end well. But while she stood there completely flabbergasted, an older lady stood next to me.

      "Gwendolyn, quit starting drama and go find a man to drool over. It's what you do best." Most likely feeling completely speechless, she quickly turned around and stormed off with her little posse of ladies following close behind her. I decide to take a look at the woman next to me. She clearly was my senior by at least three years, but she was radiant. Her hair is this gorgeous chestnut brown, wrapped in tight curls. Her eyes are a stunning brown, almost like a milk chocolate candy bar; only shiny. She is very filled out in all the right places, and I can feel men's eyes fixated on her.

      "Thank you for standing up for me," I say with a small bow. She looks at me, a brilliant smile painted across her lips.

      "No need, darling. Gwendolyn needed to be put in her place ages ago. My name is Seraphina Elsher. My father is Marquess Elsher. I believe he works with and for your father, Duke Marigold. No need to introduce yourself. Your name is Lorelei Marigold, and you seem to be the talk of the city. I must say, I'm quite jealous over how many men want to be a suitor. Come sit with me. We'll become quick friends." Almost immediately, she has taken my hand and led me to a set of chairs. She practically throws the lemon juice at other party members so we can take a seat and get to know one another.

      "May I just say, I think your hair is a magnificent color." She takes up a glass of wine and takes a few swigs before setting it down again. This night just keeps getting more and more complicated.

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