page one

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Dear diary,
                    Ghost is hot. There I said it. But I have a girlfriend. Fuck she's a pain in my arse. She keeps telling people what me and her do at night. I hate it.

I was talking with Ghost and he seemed a little off...he was a bit more reserved than he usually is. I'm a little worried about him. Then my girlfriend walked over and started to tell him what me and her do in bed, ghost's reaction was a little off but I brushed it off as he was uncomfortable with the topic. My face had flushed as red as fuckin tomato.

12:09 pm

I was having lunch with Ghost. I had been talking about my girlfriend because my girlfriend was sat behind me with her friends and I knew she would be a bitch if I didn't talk about her.

Ghost had left looking upset, it was hard to tell because all you could see is his eyes due to his mask, I was worried about him. All I wanted to do was go after him. But just before I could stand up my girlfriend had sat on my lap and had started to be very intimate with me. I just watched ghost walk away helplessly.

09:08 pm

I was sat in my room thinking about everything between me and Ghost. Where had it gone wrong?

He was being distant. I heard my door open and my girlfriend walked in and started to make out with me but I didn't feel anything towards her like I used to.

Ugh she's so clingy. Can't believe I've been with her since secondary school.

I hope tomorrow is better.

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