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What a fucking Jackass! I trusted Ghost and he went and slapped my girlfriend! Fuckin jerk!

I confronted him and he showed me the damage in his room and he claimed my girlfriend did it. First he slaps her then plays the victim. I told him to stay away from me and my girlfriend. I was done with his bullshit.

I walked to my room and comforted my girlfriend. She was crying her eyes out. I held her close to me and hoped she would calm down soon.

20:45 pm

She fell asleep soon after and I let out a sigh of relief. I sat with her, her head on my lap. I listened to my surroundings and I heard someone crying in a few rooms down. I listened to the sound and it sounded like a man crying. I tried to figure out who it was but it was hard to tell. Then I heard Ghost shout and curse. Then it clicked. Ghost was crying.

My heart broke but I ignored it as I was still pissed off.

06:30 am

We were preparing for a mission but I realised that Ghost was nowhere to be seen. I walked to Price and Laswell and asked what happened to Ghost. They said he had called in and said he was pulling out the mission.

Ghost wasn't going on this mission? That's unlike him and I started to worry. Something must have caused him to not want to be in the mission and I started to think it was because of me.

03:55 am the next day.

We had returned to base and we all went to our rooms to get some rest.  But I had heard some crying from Ghost's room. Ghost never usually cries and this is the second time I've heard him crying. I was worried.

But I was still pissed off at him. I walked to his room and entered without knocking. My eyes widened when I saw Ghost on the floor with cuts and bruises, a broken phone next to him.

I had ran to him and started to tend to his injuries and I asked him what happened. He said my girlfriend had come in while I was on the mission and had destroyed his stuff again but when he tried to record her she had grabbed his combat knife and sliced across his face and destroyed his phone then left.

Next minute Roach walked in and I stepped aside and let Roach take over knowing Ghost probably didn't want me around so I left to go find my girlfriend.

04:57 am

I found my girlfriend in my room and I glared at her. She tried to act all innocent but I told her to drop the act. I shouted at her for being a brat and she said she didn't do anything but I broke up with her before she could finish her sentence then I kicked her out of my room.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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