Chapter 3: The start.

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Xavier held on to Valentina's hand tightly as they walked down the street hand in hand. Trying to keep together in the large crowd that surrounded them on a Friday night. The streets of Seattle are always busy on the weekends.

Xavier could feel the small tingles running up and down his arm. It felt almost like his veins were vibrating under his skin impatiently. He could feel his heart pounding loudly against his chest.

'What is wrong with me tonight? she is just another vampire.' He looked out of the corner of his eye down at her. 'Well one of the more dangerous I guess.' He looked back forward at the person's back who was walking in front of them. 'Maybe that is why I am so nervous because she is a level 4?' He let out a small sigh and ran a hand through his black hair. 'But this is not the first time that I have dealt with a level 4 in the field.' Xavier looked down one of the ally's that they passed making sure no one was down it or ready to ambush them. 'Still why does it feel like the blood in my veins is rushing like fire waiting to be let out when I touch her.' He looked down at his hand in hers. 'Why?'

"We are almost there." Valentina said under her breath as she looked out of the corner of her eyes up at Xavier.

Xavier let a fake smile form on to his lips at her words as he gave her hand a small squeeze. 'Good then I can get this over with and report back to the council by tonight.' He thought to himself as he felt Valentina pull on his hand bringing them to a stop in front of a apartment building. He looked from the stairs and all the way up the 4 stories. 'Ok prepare yourself for anything.' He thought.

"We should hurry before it gets too cold." Valentina said in a gentle voice as she pushed past a couple of people to get to the stairs. She held on to Xavier's hand as she walked up the stairs. Stopping at the front door, she leaned over to a keypad that was next to it. She pushing in the numbers for the keypad to enter the apartment. '972381'

"Yes, that would be nice." He chuckled under his breath as he glanced behind him making sure that no one was following behind them. 'So far, so good.' He thought as he heard the clicking of the door open. Xavier turned back around as Valentina opened the door letting them both in.

She walked over to the elevator door pushing the button that read '3' on it. She let go of Xavier's hand slowly as the doors opened and they both stepped in. The elevator doors slipping closed behind them.

As soon as the doors closed Valentina turned towards Xavier with a big smile on her lips as her eyes locked with his. She brought a hand up slowly putting it on to his cheek gently.

"You would have grown up to be such a handsome man in a couple of years," Valentina said as she searched his eyes. "I am sorry, Richard." She brought her hand down to his neck wrapping her slim pale fingers tightly around his skin. Immediately blocking the air from his lungs with her strength. With a sudden force Valentina slammed him against the elevator wall. The force knocked all that was left of Xavier's breath out of his lungs as the pole rammed into his back hard. He brought his arm up wrapping his long fingers around her wrist.

'This is nothing, just play along Xavier.' He thought as he pretended to struggle against her hold and gasped for air. "S-s-s-stop.." Xavier said as he looked down into Valentina's cold eyes.

"I am sorry, but I can hear the sounds of your blood rushing through your veins and it is too tempting for me to wait anymore." Valentina smiled as her blue-green eyes started to get a tint of red in them. " You need to go to sleep so I can bring you to where no one else can see me feed on you. " She said in a cold and serious voice as her eyes fully went red. He could see the tips of her fangs slipping past her red lips.

He lets out a gasp, pretending that he was heavily struggling from not being able to breath. He had been training for years. Luckily, they trained them on holding their breath for long periods of time. It had become very useful in many missions over the years. One of the first moves of vampires is to knock their pray out and a lot went for chocking.

The Hunter and The Vampier: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now