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The first time Hongjoong noticed Seongie, she was standing by her locker talking to a taller boy who had a trendy haircut and idol good looks.

The pair were engaged in hushed conversation— Seongie was hugging her books to her chest with her bobbed hair like black satin under the fluorescent lights, and the guy leaned towards her with a smirk playing on his lips.

It wasn't an unusual scene, really, very typical for high school, but it wasn't the familiarity that drew Hongjoong's attention.

No, he was wholly engrossed in the act of fumbling through the chaos of his locker to find his English texts when he heard a commotion a few feet away from him.

It was then that he turned to see the guy tugging on Seongie's wrist, mumbling some nonsense like "come on, baby, just go out with me" and "I know you want it".

In that moment, Hongjoong dropped his backpack to the floor, puffed out his chest, and proceeded to—

Watch Seongie slap the shit out of the guy without even blinking.

The offending teen was so shocked that he just cradled his face and walked away in a daze and soon Hongjoong had found that his feet had subconsciously led him to stand right in front of Seongie, who was frowning deeply with her fist clenched.

"You want to be next?" the third-year girl had asked him, and Hongjoong shook his head so quickly that he actually got kind of dizzy and had to grab onto the lockers for support.

Seongie had smiled at that, clearly amused, and walked away but didn't disappear into her next class before casting a glance back at Hongjoong with a sparkle in her eyes.


The first time Hongjoong sees Seonghwa, all he can think about is Seongie, Seongie, Seongie.

The name bounces around in his head, drowning out all rational, coherent thoughts and when the man speaks, Hongjoong almost expects to hear a voice he had long since forgotten.

Instead, a gruff, raspy timbre reaches his ears and he can't help but stare as the man in the wheelchair looks up at him expectantly, like he's curious as well.

And it's ridiculous how Hongjoong had hoped that the other could feel it too, this strange sense of time shifting and worlds colliding.

But no, Seonghwa was staring because Hongjoong had spilled wine all over the floor and ruined a beautiful crystal glass in the process.

It certainly wasn't the best of first impressions and though Hongjoong wanted to crawl into the earth from embarrassment, he couldn't look away.

What else was he supposed to do when confronted with such an unlikely scenario?

He should've left, if he's being honest with himself.

He had no business taking on a patient that elicited such a strong reaction from him, but he found himself incapable.

Just like that dreary Monday when he had leaned against the lockers and watched the love of his life sashay down the hall, he chose not to walk away.

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