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The day comes for Wooyoung to leave and Seonghwa resigns himself to two months of hell without his best friend.

He hadn't realized until the moment Wooyoung came to stand in his doorway, his bags packed next to him, that the younger man is the only person in Seonghwa's life who actually cares about him rather than merely tolerating his existence because of money or fame.

When he leaves for the bus station, Seonghwa gives him a curt side hug and wishes him luck before listening to the sound of the front door closing shut with a resounding boom that echos in the large apartment.

He's already dressed for the day— Wooyoung had insisted on helping Seonghwa out of bed— but he doesn't want to begin his routine just yet.

It doesn't help that Hongjoong looks over at him expectantly, like he's waiting for Seonghwa to break out the friendship rings and pop wheelies with his chair out of excitement.

Of course, he's pissed that his best friend and caretaker is gone.

Who wouldn't be?

Things had been awkward over the last few days while the nurse had observed Wooyoung interacting with Seonghwa, but now that they are alone, the discomfort is at an all time high.

But apparently, Hongjoong isn't the type to let Seonghwa brood, and immediately offers to make breakfast like nothing has happened.

Hongjoong, with his shitty bleach job on his mullet-like mop of hair, with traces of faux tattoos still clinging to his skin.

Hongjoong, with his tiny dog that Seonghwa wants to despise but it's hard when the animal looks like a literal ball of joy, no pun intended.

Hongjoong, whose personality is basically a mystery.

Hongjoong is a stranger.

So Seonghwa merely undoes the brakes on his chair and returns upstairs to lie back in his bed and stare up at the ceiling.

He cries softly, hating himself for his disability, for tying Wooyoung to him all because of his stupid fucking legs.

His legs that won't work, that don't care about his humiliation or fear, that will continue to not work years from now, with Wooyoung still solely responsible for them because Seonghwa will always be just a broken man.

He knows that Wooyoung will worry about him the entire time he's gone.

He knows that his friend will feel guilty for leaving Seonghwa like this and the elder hates himself for being such a burden.

Even if Seonghwa managed to convince Wooyoung to go live his life to the fullest without him, he would always be someone's problem to take care of.

And right now, he is Hongjoong's problem.

Seonghwa isn't usually so quick to get emotional, but something about replacing the familiar with such a chaotic unknown has him on edge.

How can he possibly trust Hongjoong with not just his physical needs but his emotional ones as well?

Because this job isn't just about disability, it was about Seonghwa's inability to feel anything but desolate.

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