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Description: (Short :b) Really just some classic nightmare hurt comfort, Ajax is having dreams of the abyss and Scara comforts him<3 (this makes way more sense if you've read the Chide lore, he's really an amazingly written character sobbing)

     Desolate, Icy, Dark, Familiar. He knew where he was. He'd spent three months--three days in reality--in said place, scorching eyes peering through the shadows as him and his master: the swords woman Skirk traveled aimlessly along the vast plane driving a blade through the core of any monster who was bold enough to meet their gaze. Except this time.. she wasn't here. Ajax was alone.

     His hands were smaller, more pure; covered by a pair of gloves which brought along side them such nostalgia, knitted with care by his mother to shelter him from the biting air of Snezhnaya's forever winters. Shadowy figures bloomed around him, normally the promise of a fight would get his blood pumping but at this moment rather then that pleasurable rush he got from proving his strength, he was consumed by fear; heart beating ferociously in his chest as a dagger in his child hands shook viciously. The word kill screamed in his skull, his body moving without control; slashing violently through the crowds of abyssal creatures with no mercy, the desire to survive overtaking him. Ajax couldn't help but laugh manically as they burst into ash at the hand of his weapon, tears streaming down his freckled cheeks as they cried out their last words. 

     Unlike his partner who was a mere human Scaramouche had no need for trivial things such as sleep, he was perfectly content keeping watch as the man beside him slept off the day's troubles. His eyes followed the pattern of glittering stars dancing across the endless sky, eventually finding themselves on the sleeping ginger. The puppet's eyes sent a disdainful glace though he was more than intrigued, humans were curious creatures; He'd never understand them. He studied the man's distressed look, listening halfheartedly to the words he spoke in his sleep.

     They wouldn't stop. It felt as if he'd been fighting for hours, his untrained body cracking at the constant attacks; He'd be defeated soon if it continued as such. His only choice was to flee, no matter how much it hurt his pride. Ajax cleared a path through the entities, bolting for some glimpse of freedom on his fourteen-year old legs; He would not perish there, he refused to.

      It hadn't been long till he'd reached a forest covered by a thick blanket of snow, his breath clouding before him. No monsters had followed his trail so he slowed, lungs gasping in the aching air. Auburn hair. Beyond the trees a rugged man sliced holes through the thick ice coating of the lake. "Father!! It.. It's me!" Ajax had cried out with all his remaining strength, the man peered up at him and smiled warmly as if he'd been waiting for his arrival. Then the ground cracked beneath his feet and he fell.

     A dreadful falling sensation manifested in his gut but this time, it felt as if someone was holding him--shaking him-- as he fell into the deepest depths of their world. "Wake up!! it's not real, you're with me Childe.. you're safe." Childe. That's right. That was his name. He knew that voice, desperately trying to escape the bounds of his dream and return to him

     Childe woke with an anguished gasp, hands grounding themselves in the fresh grass; reveling in the safety of solid ground. The puppet blinked at him curiously, reaching to place a hand on his tanned neck, delicate icy fingers pressed upon his pulse feeling the rapid song of the man's heartbeat. "You were screaming, it was horribly irritating..." Scara hissed, yet there was a gentleness to his voice, his hand now brushing through his sandy hair. Childe sighed softly, nuzzling against the puppet's stony touch. "Apologies.. did I wake you comrade?" Tartaglia chuckled awkwardly, grasping the raven's hand into his and pulling it to his lap, rough fingers tracing over the doll joints. "You're such a fool.. I have no need for sleep..."  Scaramouche jerked his hands back to his own chest, his glare sharp like a dagger.

     "What was that even about..?" Childe swallowed hard, no one but Skirk knew what went on with him down in the abyss's grasps and he was in no mood for that to change. "Just.. nightmares is all, don't worry yourself." The ginger lay back down in the grass, back turned to the raven. "Goodnight, Scaramouche.." 

    A thick uncomfortable silence grew between the two, Childe just couldn't get himself to fall back asleep, heart racing at the thought of being brought to such a traumatic time again. He heard Scara let out an irritated grumble before he was pulled into the puppet's lap. "Just.. close your eyes, don't make this more embarrassing then it has to be.."  The raven placed a hand over Childe's eyes and began to hum gently to him. His voice was simply lovely. Sleep was hasty to pull him back, the comforting presence bringing him to solace

(I'm so so so sorry I've been gone forever!! but I'm back in the hospital so I will probably be updating more frequently, 881 words)

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