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"She wont answer." Mike said, quietly. "Do you think she was watching us?"

"Yeah, maybe she thought it was hot." Robby joked with a smirk.

"You're not funny, Robby." Mike shook his head.

"Sorry." He muttered.

"I need to go there." Mike said.

"I don't think Hopper would like that. Plus, it's like, 10 am." Robby reminded.

"I don't care. Are you gonna come with me or not?" He raised his eyebrows.

Robby sighed. "Fine, just loan me a sweater and we're good."

"Ugh." Mike rolled his eyes. "You're so demanding."

Robby smirked. "I know."

He then went over to Mike and kissed him. Mike kissed back and when they pulled away, he gave Robby and half-smile.

"I'll let you borrow one of my crewnecks. Come on."

Mike gave Robby a crewneck and then they were off to Eleven's house.


"Come on, El, answer. Hopper should be at work by now." Mike murmured, tapping his foot.

After knocking once more, El opened the door.

She looked Robby up and down and went to close the door, but Robby stuck his foot in in, causing her to keep the door open.

"El, wait. Mike wants to talk to you." Robby said.

"Fine, but I don't want to talk to you." El squinted at Robby.

"That's fine. Can I at least wait on the couch?" Robby raised his eyebrows.

El rolled her eyes. "Whatever."

She let them in and Robby went over to the couch while Mike and El went inside of El's room.

Eleven sat down on her bed and Mike sat next to her.

"Hey." He said.

"Why did you come here, Mike?" She asked.

"Because I owe you an apology. I'm a piece of shit. I have been such a piece of shit to you and I am so sorry. You're my best friend and...and I don't want to hurt you. I never have wanted to hurt you and I never will, but it just keeps happening. You're so kind and beautiful and I'm an asshole and I am so, so sorry, I—."

Mike swallowed back some tears.

"I'm falling for Robby and I can't help it. He's falling for me too and I didn't want to...steal him from you, but neither of us can help how we feel. I'm betraying you and I'm betraying Will by doing this, but I have these weird feelings for Robby and I need to explore them. Can you understand?" He continued.

"I am not mad at you, Mike. I am mad at Robby. He told me he liked me then went with my best friend. I don't understand it because he convinced me he hates you, but he doesn't I guess. I just...I'm heartbroken, Mike." El shook her head, a tear rolling down her cheek.

Mike wiped it off of her cheek. "I know. And again, I'm sorry. I understand if you never want to see me or Robby again, I just...I just love you."



"I love you too. And I always will. I just...I'm not happy and I don't know if I ever will be." Eleven shared.

"You will. I promise you will. And you're going to find someone who loves you and treats you with love and respect."

"Thank you, Mike."

Mike nodded.

They sat there in silence for a few moments.

"Um, I should go. I have lots of...reliving to do, so I should get outta here." Mike spoke up.

"Okay. I'll see you soon, Mike."

"Bye, El."

They shared a parting hug and Mike exited her bedroom.

"You ready, Rob?" Mike raised his eyebrows.

Robby nodded. "Yeah, let's get go."

Robby stood up and slung an arm around Mike's shoulder, the two boys exiting the Hopper residence.

idk what direction this story is heading in tbh but i'll figure it out

lea <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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