20. Real Sisters

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In the quiet of the night, darkness blanketed the family home. A young girl slept peacefully until a loud bang shattered the calm, rousing her from slumber. Startled, she called out for her mother, but her voice was drowned out by the commotion downstairs.

Her parents hurriedly descended, their voices urgent as they tried to secure the doors against unseen threats outside. With every ounce of strength, they fought to protect their daughter, even as fear gnawed at the edges of their resolve.

Suddenly, another crash echoed through the house, sending a jolt of panic through the girl. Family photos crashed to the ground, furniture toppled, and the once tranquil home became a battleground in the darkness of the night.

Tension in the air. Panic and fear all around.



A gun shot.


Nyx woke up with another scream. It was the umpteenth time she had this exact nightmare and it was exhausting. Tears still streamed down her cheeks. She tried hard to wipe them away, but her body couldn't stop crying.

She hated herself, for being weak. How pathetic.

From the corner of her eye she suddenly saw the door of her bedroom opening. It was Silas. "Hi, just wanted to make sure you were doing alright."

"It's another bad dream, nothing to be worried about."

Silas walked up to the bed. "You mean nightmare," He winked. He sat down and carefully reached for Nyx's face and wiped a way some tears. He had done this numerous times and felt natural to do so, only this was the first time she was awake.

She was thankful of him. His presence calmed down her body and she was able to stop crying, finally.

"You want to talk about it?" Nyx shook her head.

"That's okay," Silas didn't want to over stay his welcome and stood up again.

Before Nyx could stop herself she reached for his hand. "Please," She whispered.

Silas looked at her hand in surprise and then set his eyes back on his mate. "You want me to stay?"

Embarrassed Nyx nodded. The Alpha chuckled and stepped into the bed and pulled her into his chest, if she wanted him to stay she had to face the consequences of his cuddles.

She was overwhelmed by the sudden gesture, but relaxed soon after. The steady heartbeat of Silas lulled her back into a dreamless sleep, feeling protected by his big and strong arms.


The next morning Nyx woke up in the arms of Silas. She couldn't even be mad about it because his presence gave her the rest she so desperately wanted and needed. Instead of waking him up she let him be and enjoyed the embrace in silence.

After a couple of minutes Silas woke up to and out of reflex he kissed Nyx on her forehead. When his lips left her head he stopped abruptly in his movements and looked down at his mate and grinned apologetic. "Sorry," He whispered.

Nyx shrugged and gave a quick kiss on his cheek back, not knowing what overcame her. Both surprised by their actions and slightly feeling the embarrassment creeping up, giving them flushed cheeks, they jumped out of bed and gave each other excuses why they had to leave at the same time.

"I have to shower."

"Late for the preparations of the festival."

Once dressed and downstairs ready to leave, the awkwardness and embarrassment was gone and the couple acted as if nothing happened that night and morning.

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