You're invited

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At the Hazbin Hotel, Jude was sweeping the floors while humming a tune. Husker was at the bar cleaning a glass as Angel Dust was lounging on the couch.

Angel Dust was flipping through the channels on the TV, trying to find something to watch.

As Jude swept, he felt something brush against his leg. He looks down to see Keekee was nuzzling against him.

"Hey there Keekee." Jude greeted, setting his broom to the side and picked up Keekee. "How're you doing, little cutie?"

Keekee nuzzles against Jude's cheek while purring in delight, making Jude chuckle in response.

Husker smiles at the cute scene as he wipes the counter. "I see you've got a soft spot for animals, huh kid?"

"Yep. Always loved animals ever since I was a kid." Jude replied as Keekee climbed onto his head. "I've always wanted a pet of my own."

Angel Dust still flipped through the TV, but then stopped as he spotted an advertisement that piqued his interest.

"Hi I'm Blitzo, the 'o' is silent. And I am the founder of I.M.P."

Jude and Husker looks to the TV.

"Are you a piece of shit who got sent to Hell? Or are you an innocent soul who got fucked over by someone else?" Blitzo spoke through the ad, and Jude leaned against the head of the couch.

"Ain't that the assassination business at Imp City?" Husker asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yep." Angel Dust nods.

"Well, lucky for you, we can take care of your unfinished business for you and gladly kill anyone who screwed you over when you were alive!" Blitzo said the ad showed the interior of the I.M.P Building.

Charlie and Vaggie walked in, and they took notice of the add Angel, Husk, and Jude were watching.

The ad showed Loona manning the desk. "Manning at the desk is our receptionist, Loona." Loona looks at the cameraman and flips him off.

"Hey." Vaggie muttered with surprise. "That's the Hellhound we met at Cool Cat Cabaret!

The camera then pans two imps, those two being Moxxie and Millie. "Here we have the weapons specialist Moxxie, and his fuckable spunky powerhouse wife Millie." Millie looks to the camera and waves energetically while Moxxie rolls his eyes in annoyance.

But the camera then pans to someone that truly caught Jude by surprise. "And of course we have our finest employee yet, Noah."

When Jude saw Noah, his eyes went as wide as dinner plates.

"Hey, it's Noah!" Charlie spoke with a big smile.

"I wonder how he's been doin' lately?" Angel Dust chimed in with a smirk.

"Isn't he that cambion you guys told us about?" Husker asked with a perplexed look.

"Yep." Vaggie replied with a nod.

Charlie then gasped as an idea came to her mind. "Maybe we could have a meet up!" Charlie looks to Jude. "You and Jude could get to know one another!"

"Great idea, toots." Angel Dust nods in agreement, patting kn Jude's back. "Trust me kid, you'll love the guy."

"I'll deliver a message right away!" Charlie giddily dashed off while Jude watches on in surprise.


At I.M.P

Loona was at the desk fiddling with her phone when an envelope with the royal crest manifested. Surprised, Loona opens the envelope and reads the letter it held.

A portal opened in the office, and Blitzo, Moxxie, Millie, and Noah walked out.

"Now that was rather tough job." Blitzo said, cracking his back with a content sigh. "Shit!"

"At least Millie had the easy targets." Jude replied as he walked to the water dispenser. "I on the other hand had to deal with those roid ranging oxen for men!" Jude fills himself a cup of water before drinking it.

"Hey guys, check this out." Loona said, getting her colleagues' attention. "The princess of Hell is inviting us over at this Hotel pet-project of hers."

"Wait! What?" Blitzo asked as he snatched the letter and read it himself, a perplexed look gracing his face as he read. "To the employees of I.M.P, I write this to you as an invitation to get together. We hope to see you. Signed... Charlotte Morningstar?!"

Millie and Moxxie were taken by surprise while Jude did a spit take in surprise.

"Wait! Charlie is requesting us to visit?!" Jude asked in shock.

"You know Charlotte Morningstar?!" Blitzo asked in disbelief.

"During our double date with Bee and Tex, we met Charlie and her friend named Vaggie." Loona responded calmly with a shrug of her shoulders.

"Why would she want to meet up with all of us?" Moxxie pondered.

Jude reached into his pocket before pulling out his wallet to fish out the business card Charlie gave him. Upon brining out his cellphone, he dialed the number displayed on the card.


Back at the Hotel

Charlie was seated with Vaggie, when suddenly her cellphone began to ring. Without any hesitation, Charlie answers the call.

"Hello?" Charlie answered giddily.

"Hey Charlie." Noah spoke through the other line. "Did you send us an invitation to a meetup earlier?"

"Oh. Yes, I did." Charlie nods her head in response.

"Can I ask the reason for this?" Noah asked.

"Well, you remember back at the Cool Cat Cabaret, we mentioned someone named Jude?" Charlie replied. "Well, I was thinking that this would be a good opportunity to introduce you to him, along with everyone else in the hotel."

"If you have nothing planned, that is." Vaggie chimed in. "Plus, I'm sure you remember someone named Angel Dust, right?"

"Oh yes. Does he work for you?" Noah replied.

"He's actually a resident." Charlie answered. "If you guys have plans, then I can understand."

"Well, we actually just finished a hit." Jude answered. "So, I think we're free."

Charlie's face lit up in response. "Really?!" Charlie squealed in joy. "Great! What time do you want to meet up?"

"Does 5:30 sound good?" Jude asked back.

"Yes. Of course." Charlie nods. "We'll see you soon." And with that, Charlie hangs up while still struggling to contain her excitement.


Back at I.M.P Headquarters

Noah brings his phone back to his pocket and chuckles in amusement.

"So, I guess we better prep up." Loona said, wrapping her arms around Jude and nuzzling his cheek.

"Oh, we get to meet Princess Morningstar!" Millie said in excitement. "We don't often get a chance like this!"

"You'll love her, guys." Jude said with a smirk.  "Despite being Lucifer's daughter, she's surprisingly optimistic."

All in a Day's Work Raising Hell: O Brother Where Art Thou?Where stories live. Discover now