I was lost, but now in found

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Noah was at his apartment, combing his hair with Martha applying some lipstick.

"I can't believe we're meeting Lucifer's daughter." Martha said with a hint of nervousness. "I'm a little nerve wrecked."

"Trust me Martha, she's a real doll." Noah said with reassurance. "Though I will agree. I'm a bit nervous as well."

Loona then walked in with Verosika.

"You've got that crystal right?" Loona asked.

"The Asmodean Crystal?" Jude asked back, holding the crystal pendant Asmodeus gifted him. "Absolutely."

"You guys ready?" Loona asked.


At the Hotel, the gang were putting up decorations while Charlie watched with an excited smile.

Charlie then felt her phone buzz, making her fish her phone out to see she had a message from Noah. The text said, 'We're on our way now', and Charlie struggled to contain her excitement.

"They're on their way?" Vaggie asked, Charlie nods rapidly in response.

"You seem awfully ecstatic about this whole thing."

Vaggie and Charlie look to see Jude walk towards them.

"Well, why wouldn't I be?!" Charlie placed her hands on Jude's shoulders. "You get to meet another cambion like you!"

"Well, I just hope I make a good first impression." Jude said with a hint of nervousness.


Blitzo was driving the van with Loona in the passenger side, and Stolas rode in the back seat with Moxxie and Millie. Verosika was driving in her car with Noah, and Martha.

"Thanks for inviting me over, Blitzo." Stolas said with a smile.

"Don't mention it, Stolas." Blitzo responded with a shrug.

"So..." Stolas looks to Loona, "I hear you, Noah, and miss Verosika met princess Morningstar."

"Yeah." Loona responded with a nod. "We met them during a double date with Beelzebub and Tex over at Cool Cat Cabaret."

"Cool Cat Cabaret?" Stolas asked with a smile. "Oh, I haven't been there in ages. I wonder how Beleth has been doing."

As Verosika drove, Jude was navigating through the GPS on his phone.

"Alright, shouldn't be long now." Noah said with a nervous smile.

Verosika looks to Noah, noticing the nervousness he had. "Still feeling nervous baby?"

"Yeah..." Noah responded with a nod. "I know we met Charlie and Vaggie before, but I'm worried that I might not leave a good first impression."

Eventually, the group arrived at their destination. 


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