Laugh at the face of death

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Husker was sharing a drink with Angel, Blitzo, Jude, and Noah.

After downing a shot glass, Blitzo slammed the glass onto the counter. "Damn, that's good shit." Blitzo wiped his mouth with a blissful smile. 

"You certainly know what you're doing when it comes to mixology." Noah said with a smirk.

"I did work at a club before I came to Hell." Husker said with a proud smile while shaking a shaker. "I became a pro at it." After some shaking, he pours the cocktail into a glass before handing it to Jude.

"He's not only a good as hell bartender, but he's also a pro on the poker table." Jude said with a chortle. "Can't even tell you how many times I've got my ass kicked in a game of blackjack."

Angel Dust then casts a playful smirk towards Noah. "So, how are your girls in bed?"

That question had Jude, Noah, Husker, and Blitzo do a spit take upon hearing it.

"Dude..." Jude coughed a bit while wiping his mouth, "What the fuck!"

"Keep in mind, one of those girls is my daughter!" Blitzo declared in mild anger.

"And he's dating your ex as well." Angel Dust shot back with a smirk. "Must suck knowin' that your ex is datin' somebody better."

Blitzo was steaming mad at that. "You wanna repeat that you crack snorting tarantula?!"

"Ok, let's not get too worked up." Jude said as he got between the two. 

"On a different topic..." Jude cleared his throat while looming to his brother, "How did you meet Rosy Riveter and Tamayo Foxx?"

"Well, when the new extermination came sooner, I was having a near panic attack." Jude explained as Husker handed him another drink. "Angel Dust took me to Club 666 to make me feel better. And sure enough, both Tamayo and Rosy performed." Jude another swig of his drink.

"The moment he saw them, he was speechless." Angel Dust said with a teasing smirk towards Jude. "And not to mention those two all over him like flies on shit."

Jude blushed a bit in response to that claim, but he knew Angel was right. "After their performance, they handed me a VIP pass, and I met them in their dressing room."

"Ooh, I think I know where this is heading." Blitzo muttered while doing a sexy time hand gesture.

"Not even, dude." Jude replied with an annoyed look. "We just talked to get to know one another. That's it."

"But you three did knock boots eventually." Angel Dust pats Jude's back in a congratulatory manner. "Lucky dog."

"Hey Jude," Vaggie walks to Jude, "You think you could take out the trash?" Vaggie asked while gesturing towards a trash can. "Nifty's kill count has increased drastically."

"I'm not too surprised by that." Jude replied with a roll of his eyes. "Be right back, fellas."

And with that, Jude grabs the bag out of the trash can and walks out. 

"Holy sheep shit." Blitzo said in shock. "You guys have a pest problem that badly?"

"I honestly don't know where she finds those things." Vaggie said as Stolas and Verosika approached. "But sure beats getting an exterminator."

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