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It was late, and the I.M.P team were getting ready to leave. Jude and Noah were saying their final goodbyes.

"So, it's been a fun visit." Jude said with a soft smile. "I guess we'll be hearing from you."

Noah nods with a smile. "Indeed." Noah then embraces Jude in a hug while Vaggie and Charlie watch with soft smiles before they joined in. Followed by Blitzo, Millie and Moxxie, Angel Dust, Husker, practically everyone joined in on a group hug.

After they separated, Vaggie and Charlie walked to Noah. "Noah, we'd appreciate it if you'd spread the word about the hotel." Said Charlie. 

"Way ahead of you." Noah said as he held up his phone, showing that he had posted ads of the Hazbin Hotel on his social media pages.

"You about ready, babe?" Loona asked Noah.

"Of course." Noah said as he looked at the Hazbins. "We'll be sure to visit often." Charlie hugs Noah, and he returns the gesture wholeheartedly.


"Jude was in his room fiddling with his phone, but he suddenly got a text message from Loona. Upon opening the message, he smiles at seeing a group photo he took earlier.

 Upon opening the message, he smiles at seeing a group photo he took earlier

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Jude chuckled and texted her a thumbs up emoji. And loona replied with a peace enoji.


Vaggie was in bed, deep in thought while Charlie had exited the bathroom.

"I still can't believe Jude has a brother." Charlie gushed out with a big smile. "But I'm glad those two were able to reconnect!" Charlie then took notice of Vaggie, noticing she was thinking about something. "Something on your mind?"

Vaggie looks to Charlie, clearly snapping out of her thoughts. "Huh?"

Charlie got into bed with Vaggie. "You looked like you were deep in thought." Charlie answered. "Something bothering you?"

"Well..." Vaggie takes a deep breath before fessing up. "Earlier, Thanatos said that he was hired to kill Jude." Charlie said nothing upon hearing that. "I think I might have an idea as to who the hiring hand might be."

Charlie's eyes widened, putting two and two together. "Are you saying that...?"

"I'm not completely sure, but I have strong hunch that I'm right on the money." Vaggie responded with a look of concern. "And no doubt that those fuckers upstairs already know about Noah by now too."

All in a Day's Work Raising Hell: O Brother Where Art Thou?Where stories live. Discover now