Something brewing

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At the main lobby, Noah was telling some stories about the various jobs he and his co-workers have been in.

"So, there I was. Armed with nothing but a shank while facing this wall of a man." Noah said, even resorting to theatrics as he reenacted the events the story told. "He was very skilled in fisticuff, but I was more agile and quick on my feet."

As Noah told his tale, Charlie and her fellow Hazbins listened with intrigue while Verosika was trying her best not to swoon.

"The moment he delivered a lunch, I dodged with quick reaction time," Noah sidesteps as if he was actually in the fight he was telling, "And with one swift motions, BAM!" Noah thrusts his fist forward, "I jabbed my shank into the man's throat. And within moments, he fell to the ground with a mighty thud."

"Man~." Angel Dust muttered with a saucy grin, looking to Verosika. "Awfully lucky to have such a capable fella, Veevee."

"Well, not just me." Verosika looks to Loona before snaking her tail around the hellhound's waist while also wrapping her arm around Martha's shoulders. "But all three of us." Loona blushed while looking away bashfully.

"That's nothing." Blitzo said as he walked to Noah. "I've seen this guy face tougher fuckheads in much harrier situations." Blitzo pats Noah's back. "Remember that one job we had at Salem Massachusetts?"

"Ah yes. The one where we faced a Satanic serial killer named Blair Wickerman, or as she refers to herself as 'The Witch'." Noah cleared his throat before explaining. "So, she was the founder of some satanic cult named the Black Sabbath, and apparently they believed themselves to be reincarnation of past Witches that were wrongfully executed the time the Salem witch trials occurred."

"Only in truth they were just delusional." Moxxie chimed in.

"Precisely." Noah nods. "In fact, our client for the job was their first human sacrifice."

"Yikes." Husker muttered out in shock. "I'll bet the bitch was a tough one."

"Oh, you don't even know the half of it, puss." Blitzo responded with a shake of his head. "Those dirty bitches have somehow managed to get their hands on some familiars."

"Mainly wolf familiar if I recall." Moxxie added while scratching his chin. "There were a few snake familiars, and maybe a few cat familiar too."

"But once we've taken out every one of those, the Witch and her followers were easy pickings." Noah continued his story. "After we've managed to take out her entire coven, we figured that burning at the stake was the perfect penalty for her crimes."

"Damn." Jude winced a bit. "A bit extreme, don't you think?"

"Yes, but a rather just execution." Noah answered.

"So," Blitzo walks to Jude, "I hear you're dating the Sixty-Niners."

Moxxie and Millie went wide-eyed at that, but Verosika was even more stunned.

"The Sixty-Niners?!" Moxxie and Millie asked out collectively in shock.

"You're dating Tamayo Foxx and Rosy Rivetter?!" Verosika asked out in pure bewilderment.

"You know them?" Jude asked Verosika.

"Not on a personal level, but I am a devoted fan of theirs." Verosika said, a saucy smile forming on their face as her tail formed into a heart shape. "Oooh, their filmography is absolutely top tier."

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