Chapter 12

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My mother comes and set the bowls of food on the table. I go for the mashed potatoes and put it on my plate, along with gravy. I take a piece of steak and Harry puts the same on his plate but just a little bit more food. I also take a little bit of kale salad on the side.

Once everybody has they're food we begin to eat.

"So Harry, do you have a job?" My mother begins a conversation while we eat.

"No not at the moment but I'm going to start to look for one soon." Harry says.

"Where are you from?" My mother asks.

"England." He answers.

"Oh I can tell from your accent. We're from Austrailia if you couldn't already tell." She says.

"Oh I could tell." Harry says.

"How'd you meet my little girl?" My father asks. I look at my father in a weird way and role my eyes.

Really?!? Little girl??

But then my eyes widen on the way we met. The party Anna practically forced me to go with her to. I bite my lip and wait for Harry's answer.

"We.. uh.. met at a party." He nervously says.


"A party?!" My mother and father said in sync.

"I don't recall letting you go to any party." My mother says looking at me with her eyebrows raised.

"It was the one where you grounded me for the whole summer for." I sigh.

"Yeah and you deserved it. I don't think you should be hanging out with Anna anymore, she's a bad influence." She says.

"That was a while ago. I don't know why you're still mad at me for it!" I raise my voice in annoyance.

"Who do you think you're talking to like that?!" My mother raises her voice back at me but even louder.

"The only person that's being a major bitch here." I whisper to myself and I can see Harry trying to hold his laugh at the corner of my eye.

"What was that?" My mother raises one eyebrow.

"Nothing." I say once again with an annoyed tone.

"That's what I thought." She snaps and continues to eat her food.

When everybody finished their food the dinner table was kind of quiet. My mother hasn't started up an argument and I'm surprised.

I take all the dishes and place them in the dishwasher. Harry accompanies me in the kitchen.

"Well hello little miss sassy pants." He walks in smiling.

"Oh shut up." I laugh and hug him.

"That dinner was pretty intense." He says and I sit on the counter top. I nodd my head in agreement and he stands in front of me.

"It could have been worse, trust me." I say.

"I wouldn't want to know what that would be like." He says and I nod in agreement. I lean into him and put my forehead against his. We both smile them he plants a soft kiss on my lips.

"So what are you doing tomorrow?" I ask.

"Absolutely nothing." He says.

"Ugh me too. My parents won't be here tomorrow because of some stupid dinner party." I sigh.

"Well let's go somewhere then." He says.

"Like where?" I ask.

"The amusement park. We can go before they close it for the fall/winter." He says straightforwardly.

"Sure, ok. That sounds like a plan." I say hoping off the counter. Once I get off you can see the huge height difference. I begin to laugh at it.

"What?" He smiles.

"I'm just so short and you're so tall." I giggle.

"You know what else is tall?" He smirks.

"Don't even think about it." I playfully jab his shoulder stopping him from his dirty joke. He starts to laugh like an idiot and I can't help but laugh as well.

"Stop my stomach hurts." I clench my stomach trying to stop myself from laughing but I can't. We both some how end up on the floor from our fit of laughter.

"Ok, ok, it wasn't that funny." he says and I playfully roll my eyes for what feels like the 40th time tonight.

We end up sitting opposite from eachother in silence for a while. I look up and I can see him admiring me with a smug look on his face. I give him a big grin and cross my eyes.

"Weirdo." He chuckles and I pout. He moves to sit beside me and holds me.

"But you're my weirdo." He says kissing me on my forehead. We sit in that position for a while until Harry asks for the time.

"I should get going, it's getting late." He says while getting up. I get up as well and we walk towards the front door.

"See you tomorrow." I say to him as I open the door. He stands in front of me and gives me a gentle.

"Tomorrow." He says when after he pulls away.

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