Chapter 8

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(A/N: I had to randomly put that picture there)

After I complete my homework I hear my phone ring. I look at my phone and the contact says Harry 😘. I raise my eyebrow. How the hell did he get my phone number?

"Hello?" I answer the phone.

"Hey Rose." He says in a flat tone.

"Not to be rude or anything but how did you my number?" I question.

"Remember the day we met and I asked to see your phone?" He says.

"Yeah.." I say.

"I put my number in your notes, I looked at your number, and memorized it." He says. That's kinda creepy. All he had to do is ask me. Maybe he was to shy to ask?

"Oh." I say.

"Um are you busy?" He asks nervously.

"No I just finished my homework." I say.

"Oh um do you wanna.. uh.. go to the lake with me again? So we can you know.. talk." He says.

"I don't know if I can. My mother is mad at me." I hesitate.

"Oh okay, I don't want you to get into trouble." He says.

"No wait. I want to go." I say rushing my words. I smack my forehead wishing I haven't said that.

"Okay how will you get passed your parents?" He asks.

"I'll sneak out?" I suggest. This is a stupid idea. What if I get caught? My parents will never trust me again.

"Alright should I meet you by your house?" He asks.

"Yes but come around the side of the house where the driveway is." I say.

"Okay I'll meet you there." He says and we hang up.

I'm actually going through with this. I run into my closet trying to find the cutest but casual outfit. I put on my light blue acid washed jeans, black & white striped tee shirt, and my long gray cardigan.

I keep my hair in a bun and I put on my white converse. I don't care to put on heavy makeup. I just put on some foundation and cat winged eyeliner. By the time I finish I hear a light knock on my window.

I see Harry standing there and I fight the urge to stare at him. He looks really.. attractive. Matter of fact not attractive, hot. He's wearing a denim button up shirt but it's not buttoned up all the way. It's exposing his chest with all his tattoos. Might I add, he his built.He's also wearing a pair of jeans, shoes, and black sunglasses.

Before I open my window I lock my bedroom door. I hop out of the window and Harry helps me out.

"You look nice." He says.

"Thanks you too." I say smiling. We start to walk towards the lake.


When we reach the lake the water is glistening even more than before as the sun sets. Harry and I sit under the tree where we sat before.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I ask.

"You and I" He says.

"Wha-what about us?" I stutter trying to not choke.

"I don't know, I just wanted to get to know you better." He shrugs.

"Oh okay so like 21 questions or something?" I ask.

"Yeah. I'll start. When's your birthday?" He asks putting his glasses on top on his head.

"May 12th. When's yours?" I ask staring into his eyes. His eyes are beautiful. It's a pretty jade color and to top it of it twinkles. I mentally laugh at my thought.

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