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Your wishes . . . I will grant.

My eyes searched for the handsome, popular guy the minute I stepped into the locker hall.

I smiled when I spotted him next to his locker talking a cheerleader away. It wasn't till I got close did I realize they were flirting.

Zac's green eyes met my displeased ones.

"Harley." He finally called me, making the girl turn, unnecessarily swaying her hips.

I held back the urge to roll my eyes at her movements and with all the confidence I didn't know I had; I strutted and stood right between the two.

Apologies Miss Temptress, but the boy was mine before he was yours.

"Oh, hey there Cutie! You must be Harley, Zac's bestie. I'm Linda."

She was a physical carbon copy of Madison Beer, I could see. I never understood why someone would impersonate someone else when they could be ten times better by being original, but again, none of my business, right? Wrong. She was on my spot talking to my best friend, so yeah, it was very much my business.

"She's talking to you, Harley." Zachary had to butt in, considering the long silence I was in.

The plan was to shut it until she decided to sway her hips away and out of the hall. But for the sake of my best friend, I spared her some common courtesy.


"Nice to meet you." She held out her hand, and I didn't shake it until Zachary elbowed me a little too hard.

Finally noticing my morning attitude, the girl said something about going to get her books and shot Zachary a 'See you in class!' then went off.

"You'll see nobody in class, Madison." I cursed under my breath before turning to face Zachary, the culprit.

"We need to talk," Me and Zachary said at the same time.

He looked irritated, and for a second there, I almost felt sorry for treating the girl like trash.

"What? Don't tell me you actually wanted me to be full-time nice to her when you were openly flirting before my naked eyes." I crossed my arms, reflecting back the irritation on his face. "I could see the sparks between you two all the way from the entrance. And to think you actually liked me after asking me out on a date –"

"You mean the date you ditched me in?" Now Zachary was seriously glaring.

Was he serious?

"That's exactly what I wanted to talk to you about." I confessed, as a matter of fact. "To apologize for leaving like that. Most importantly, I didn't ditch you. I just . . ."

I searched for the right words, already feeling uncomfortable at the rage emitting from his body.

"You just what, Harley? Did you find another guy in the bathroom or something?"

"What – No! What are you even thinking – I wouldn't do that to you –"

"I mean, what else do you expect me to think after I asked you to be my boyfriend, and you literally turned me down?" He shouted in my face.

"But I didn't –"

"You did!" His fist banged the locker beside my head and I flinched.

What was his problem, really?

This was not how I planned Monday morning to go. The idea was to apologize, get together, and stride down hand in hand like high school sweethearts all movie-like. Being towered by Zachary and his sudden anger issues while people stared at us was not on the list.

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