Chapter 2

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- TDL : Hmmm... Why don't you say anything but look at me so stranger?.
- TCO : ...
- TDL : Are you looking at me because you like me?~.
- TCO : Stop being so delusional.
- TDL : That's too rude.
- TCO : I will be your personal supervisor so I hope you will cooperate.
- TDL : Whatever * Lie down *.
- TCO : " This is why that police officer didn't want to be this guy's personal supervisor?".

• TCO returned to the police department.

- Police 2 : Are you okay?.
- TCO : I'm fine
- Police 1 : How do you feel about that guy?.
- TCO : Quite crazy.
- Police 1 : That guy is very crazy , not quite.
- TCO : Is that why you don't want to be his personal monitor?.
- Police 1 : That's right * Grabs TCO's shoulders *.
- TCO : ....
- Police 1 : * Quickly shakes TCO * I don't want to be that crazy guy's personal supervisor!.
- Police 2 : Calm down , don't shake the TCO anymore.
- Police 1 : * Stop * Um....
- TCO : @@.
- Police 1 : TCO?.
- Police 2 : I think he's not okay.
- TDL : That guy is really annoying but also very interesting.
- TDL : There's going to be fun.

• The next day.

- TCO : * Open the door * Hey , wake up quickly.
- TDL : * Sits up * This is so annoying.
- TCO : Stop complaining.
- TDL : * Yawn *.
- TCO : * Glare at TDL *.
- TDL : * Go down * Alright , alright , don't glare like that.

• TCO led TDL downstairs (TCO go before TDL).

- TDL : Where are you taking me?.
- TCO : I will take you to the restaurant.
- TDL : Then what?.
- TCO : Just go down to eat first and think about it later.
- TDL : Why are you handcuffing me?.
- TCO : You're new and you're still dangerous.
- TDL : "It's really itchy"Hmmmm...Hehe*kicks TCO's leg*.
- TCO : Ah! What are you doing?!.
- TDL : I just missed it, it wasn't intentional.
- TCO : * Look at TDL * 💢.
- TDL : * Look somewhere else * 🎶.

• Canteen.

- TCO : Take whatever you want to eat * Leaves *.
- TDL : It's fun to tease that guy.
- Juniors : Boss!.
- TDL : So it's you guys.
- Juniors : We're sorry for letting the boss get caught💦.
- TDL : * Sigh * Never mind.
- Junior : Boss ಥ⁠vಥ✨.
- TDL : If I get out , you guys will die with me.
- Juniors : * Startled * (⁠。⁠ŏxŏ⁠).
- TDL : Quickly go get me food.
- Juniors : Yes yes * Run away *.
- Polices : * Looking forcefully *.
- Polices : * Looks at TCO *.
- TCO : What?.
- Polices : * In unison * You are so pitiful.
- TCO : ?????
- Junior 1 : Are you planning to escape from prison?.
- TDL : Let's see what it's like here and then escape.
- Juniors : Boss is always so wise!.
- TDL : I think you guys are stupid.
- Junior : * Dumb *.
- Polices : * Holds laughter *.
- Police 1 : We're doing something like that.
- TCO : * Covers mouth , tries not to laugh *.
- TDL : * Looks at the polices *.

• The police still tried not to laugh.

- TDL : What's wrong with these guys?.
- TDL : * Looks at TCO * Hmmm....
- Junior 2 : Boss , what are you looking at?.
- TDL : I have to tell you whatever I see you know *glare*.
- Junior 2 : No , I didn't mean that💦.
- TDL : * Looks at TCO * ... " What kind of tricks should I play to tease that guy? ".


Chapter 3 is coming soon.

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