Chapter 8

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• Several months later.

- Police 4 : " He's still glaring now ".
- TCO : Haizzz.

• Canteen.

• When everyone eats in peace , something happens.

- TDL : * Eat *.
- Junior : Boss , when do you think we'll get out of here?.
- TDL : Have you been able to contact the outside?.
- Junior : Contact has been made.
- TDL : Then-.

• A bowl of soup accidentally spilled on TDL's head.

- Prisoner 089 : I...I'm sorry..I didn't mean it.
- TDL : ....
- Junior : Hey , how dare you?!.
- Prisoner 089 : I'm really sorry.
- TDL : Haizzzz.
- Junior : * Pulls prisoner 089 wake up * Boss , do you need us to handle it?.
- TDL : * Stands up * If you want to deal with it , deal with the guy who's in his way.
- Prisoner 176 : Ha , you've been found out.
- Junior : Why are you doing that?.
- Prisoner 176 : I like it , so what about it?.
- Junior : We'll give you a beating.
- Prisoner 176 : If you cause trouble , you will be punished, aren't you afraid?.
- Junior : * Grabs the collar * We're not afraid.
- Prisoner 176 : * Starts to get scared * Forgive me-.
- Junior : It's too late to regret now.

• TDL juniors injured prisoner 176.

•The police ran to stop the scene to avoid the life of prisoner 176.

• TDL juniors were sentenced to help in the kitchen and help carry food for the police for 2 weeks.

- TDL : ... * Remembers *.
- TDL : You did too much.
- Junior : It's because of him that Boss got hurt.
- TDL : There was one guy who did it and all of you guys rushed in and beat him alone.
- Junior : But-.
- TDL : Let the police handle it , you won't be fined.
- Junior : ಥ⁠╭⁠╮⁠ಥ.

• Present.

- TDL : What a bunch of idiots.
- Prisoner 122 : Hey , you're the big brother of the group that beat prisoner 176 , right?.
- TDL : What do you want?.
- Prisoner 122 : * Calls his junior over * Of course we'll deal with you.
- Police 1 : Looks like there's about to be another conflict.
- Police 3 : This time it's one against the other?.
- TCO : It's still related to yesterday's incident.
- Police 2 : I'm so tired of these prisoners.
- TDL : Is that so?.
- Prisoner 122 : Ha , you must be scared, right?.
- TDL : * Stands up * Let's see who's scared of who.

• TDL alone beat prisoner 122's juniors, making them both surprised and scared.

• The police rushed in to end this conflict.

- TCO : * Stops TDL * Okay then stop.
- TDL : Release!.
- TCO : * Release TDL *.
- Police 1 : Okay , let's all go to the punishment room to talk.

• Everyone's ready to go then-.

- Prisoner 122 : * Holding a knife and running to TDL * Die , you bastard.
- TDL : * Turns around *.

• Everyone suddenly didn't react.

• TCO : * Grabs the knife *.

• Everyone was startled.

- TDL : Wha- Your hand.
- TCO : I hope there will be a suitable punishment for you.
- Prisoner 122 : * Drops the knife * I..I...
- Police 3 : Pull him away quickly.
- TDL : * Looks at TCO's bloody hands *.
- Police 2: Go to the medical room quickly.

• Police 1 and 4 took the TCO to the medical room.

- TDL : * Looks at TCO * ....




" Why are you covering me? "


Chapter 9 is Coming Soon.

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