Chapter 5

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- TDL : Fuck , what a big prison.

• TDL tried to remember the prison diagram , making TDL's head smoke.

- TDL : * Smoke * Fuck.
- Junior : Boss!.
- TDL : Here we are.
- Junior : We've been to all this place.
- TDL : Do you guys know all the diagrams here?
- Junior : yes.
- TDL : I save the trouble of remembering.
- Junior : (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠).
- TDL : Do you guys know any fun places?.
- Junior : Let's go to the soccer field.
- TDL : Fine.

• Football pitches.

- TDL : The soccer field is so big.
- Junior : When we arrived , we were also surprised.
- TDL : Go get me the ball.
- Junior : Yes!.

• Some juniors ran to get the ball, TDL went into the field to find a place to kick.

- Junior : There are so many players , boss.
- TDL : Um.
- Junior : Boss , we got it.
- TDL : * Takes ice to warm up *.
- Junior : * Surprised *.
- TDL : What?.
- Junior : Now we know boss knows how to play football.
- TDL : Right...." Since I joined the gang until now , I have never exercised much or touched any subject ".
- Junior : Boss, what's wrong?.
- TDL : Nothing.
- Junior : Hmmm.
- TDL : Just play before it's time to eat.
- Junior : I can't believe they forced the boss to do that.
- TDL : Shut up , no matter how dissatisfied you are , they'll still force me to do it.
- Juniors : ರ⁠╭⁠╮⁠ರ.
- TDL : Do you guys play soccer now?.
- Junior : Yes!.

• TDL and his juniors played soccer together in the afternoon.

- Junior : So tired * Breathing *.
- TDL : Haizz * Stand and breathe *.
- Junior : Boss is so good✨.
- TDL : Stop teasing me.
- Junior : Hehe.
- Police 4 : Playtime is over come back in it's time to eat, quickly.
- Junior : It's time to eat , boss.
- TDL : Um.

• Canteen.

• TDL continues to work as a kitchen assistant and also encounters many funny situations.

- TDL : Do these people here have problems or are they all so crazy?.
- Junior : Maybe it's because boss is so attractive that they're so crazy.
- TDL : Right..... but I still don't want to encounter this nonsense.
- Junior : At the end of today , the boss will be free from this problem.
- TCO : Dream away.
- Junior : Why not?!.
- TDL : What else do you want?.
- TCO : Tomorrow you continue to work as a kitchen assistant.
- TDL : * Slams the table and stands up *.

• Everyone looked at TDL in surprise.

- TDL : Don't be too harsh!.
- TCO : I only follow my superiors.
- TDL : * Grabs TCO's collar *.
- TCO :  Let go
- TDL : You did it on purpose , right?!.
- TCO : I didn't mean it , so calm down and let me go.
- TDL : * Bows down , gritting teeth *.
- TCO : ...
- Junior : Boss , calm down.
- TDL : * Release *.
- TCO : *Adjust the collar * See you tomorrow.
- TDL : * Turns away * Whatever.
- TCO : * Leaves *.
- Juniors : * Scared * Boss...?.
- TDL : " Bastard ".
- Police 2 : You're so calm.
- TCO: Ukm.
- Police 1 : wow that guy is really crazy.
- Police 3 : He is a newly arrived prisoner, probably doesn't understand the rules here.
- TCO : Haizz.
- Police 3 : But if I were you, I probably wouldn't be able to calm down.
- TCO : Well just let it go.


Chapter 6 is coming soon.

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